User Manual

4 Connections and setup
32 PM5D/PM5D-RH Owner’s Manual Operating section
Use the MASTER CLOCK SELECT area located in the
upper part of the screen to select the master clock
source. You can choose one of the following sources.
Sources for which the symbol at the left of the button is red
(UNLOCK) or yellow (UNKNOWN) cannot be selected, since
a valid clock is not being input or the clock cannot be
In the MASTER CLOCK SELECT area located in
the upper part of the screen, click a button to
select the desired master clock source.
A window will appear, asking you to confirm that you
want to switch the master clock.
Click the OK button.
The selected word clock master will be enabled. The
selected word clock master is remembered even if you
turn off the power. As long as the connections have not
been changed, you don’t have to make this setting
If a digital I/O card (such as the MY8-AE96S) that contains a
built-in SRC (Sampling Rate Converter) is installed in slots
1–4, you can switch the SRC on/off in groups of two chan-
nels. The input signals from channels for which the SRC is
turned on do not need to be synchronized with the PM5D’s
word clock.
If transferring high sampling rate (88.2 kHz/96 kHz) signals
between the PM5D and an external device, you will need to
select the transmission method. (For details, refer to p.200)
Restoring the current scene to the default state
When the PM5D is in its default state, the input signals
from INPUT jacks 1–48 are patched to input channels 1–
48 and the input signals from ST IN jacks 1–4 are patched
to the ST IN channels, and can then be output via the STE-
REO bus or MIX buses.
However, if the PM5D’s internal mix parameter settings
(referred to as the “current scene”) have been modified,
the signal of a specific input may not be sent to an input
channel, or the EQ or dynamics processors may be set to
produce extreme effects.
To initialize the mix parameters from such a state, proceed
as follows.
Use the SCENE [π]/[] keys of the SCENE
MEMORY section to make the scene number
indicator show “000”.
Scene number “000” is a scene memory containing the
default settings.
Press the [RECALL] key of the SCENE MEM-
ORY section.
Scene number “000” will be loaded, and the current
scene will return to the default state.
Be aware that when scene number “000” is loaded, the input
patch, output patch, internal effect, and HA (Head Amp) set-
tings will also return to their default state. (However, the word
clock master selection is not affected.)
INT 96, INT 88.2,
INT 48, INT 44.1
These settings select the PM5D’s inter-
nal clock. If you select one of these set-
tings, the PM5D will operate as the
word clock master. As necessary,
make settings within your external
devices so that they will operate as
word clock slaves.
The PM5D will follow the word clock
signal being input from the rear panel
WORD CLOCK IN connector.
The PM5D will follow the clock data
being sent from another PM5D con-
nected to the CASCADE IN connector.
2TR IN D1–D3
The PM5D will follow the clock data
included in the input signal from 2TR
IN DIGITAL jacks 1–3.
SLOT 1–4
The PM5D will follow the clock data
included in the input signal from a digi-
tal I/O card installed in slots 1–4. (You
can select a specific pair of adjacent
odd-numbered/even-numbered chan-
Scene number
SCENE [π]/[]