Owner's Manual

PM5DV2/DSP5D Editor Owner’s Manual
HPF (high pass filter) / LPF (low pass filter)
Here you can make settings for the HPF/LPF that will process the pink noise or burst noise. The upper knob
sets the cutoff frequency (20 Hz–20 kHz), and the lower button turns it on/off.
If burst noise is selected, these specify the length of the actual noise (WIDTH), and the length of the silent
interval between noise bursts (INTERVAL).
The range for WIDTH is 0.1–10 sec, and the range for INTERVAL is 1–30 seconds. (The current setting is
shown by the numerical box located above the knob.)
OSC OUT (oscillator direct output)
This indicates the output jack or slot channel from which the oscillator signal will be directly output. To
change the output destination, click the PATCH button to access the OUTPUT PATCH window.
If SINE WAVE 2CH is selected, the L-channel of the oscillator will be output from the oscillator direct output.
Here you can select the bus that will output the sine wave or noise. (Multiple choices are allowed.)
MIX 1–24 ................. MIX buses 1–24
MATRIX 1–8............ MATRIX buses 1–8
AL/AR....................... STEREO A bus L/R channels
BL/BR....................... STEREO B bus L/R channels
If SINE WAVE 2CH is selected, the L-channel of the oscillator will be output from the odd-numbered bus or
the L jack, and the R-channel of the oscillator will be output from the even-numbered bus or the R jack.
Pink noise output
The BURST NOISE button is on