
4 Playback
POCKETRAK C24 Reference Manual
4 Playback
Playing files
The recorder plays MP3 and WMA format files in addition to WAV format files recorded on the
unit. To play back a file recorded on the unit, select a folder from the MIC (A–D) folders or the
LINE (L) folder. To play back a file transferred from a computer, select the MUSIC (M) folder.
1. While the main screen is displayed, press and
hold down the [MENU/FOLDER] button for at
least two (2) seconds.
2. Press the [PLAY]/[STOP], [ ]/[ ] buttons to select a folder
from which to play back a file, then press the [REC] button.
A–D: Files recorded via a microphone
L: Files recorded via the line connection
M: Files transferred from your computer
P1–P5: Playlists (You can assign tracks in the M folder to Playlists.)
(See page 41.)
(): Recycle Bin
3. Press the [ ]/[ ] buttons to select
the desired file number.
4. Press the [PLAY] button.
The recorder starts playing back the file.
5. Press the [VOLUME] (+/–) buttons to set the proper playback volume level.
The level can be set in 21 steps (0–20).
6. Press the [STOP] button to stop playback.
Press the [PLAY] button again to resume playback.
File number
Total number of files
Remaining playback time
(hour : minute : second)
Elapsed playback time
(hour : minute : second)