Owner`s manual

288 Index
03D—Owner’s Manual
Key in, dynamics 145
about 12
definition 282
LED, definition 282
Level diagram 253
channel 104
dynamics processors 147
effects 125
EQ 48
user define buttons 209
Library page, channels 104, 105,
106, 107
Library specs 262
Line-level signal, definition 282
Lo-mid EQ 47
Low EQ 47
Low pass filter (EQ) 47
Low-level signal, definition 282
LPF 47
LSB, definition 282
M button 30
Macintosh, TO HOST 235
Main page 176, 181, 182, 184, 185,
188, 189, 190, 200, 201
Memory page 180, 185, 202, 203,
204, 205, 206
Memory specs 262
Memory, automix 177
Metering 79
aux sends 90
bus outs 98
falling speed 213
gain reduction 79
peak hold 79
pre/post 79
stereo output 84
about 232
Bulk Dump 242
connectors 20, 232
data format 271
definition 282
display indicator 24
implementation chart 278
input monitor 238
multiport 234
port setup 233
receive channel 235
scene memory to Program
Change table 267
setup 235
Song Position Pointers 181
standard I/F 233
summary 7
transmit channel 235
MIDI Clock
counter 178
definition 282
echo setting 236
input monitor 238
receive port/channel 234
setting 181
user define buttons 209
MIDI Moni. page 238
MIDI Remote
about 243
Bulk Dump 242
button 14
channels/ports 234
connection 243
GM tone generator 247
Pro Tools 249
Programmable Mixer 01 245
ProR3 246
REV500 246
setup 244
user define page 250
XG tone generator 248
MIDI Setup page 235
MIDI/HOST page 233
Midnight phenomenon 179
Mix scenes
Bulk Dump 242
Control Change assign 240
definition 282
fade time 173
first in automix 179
Program Change assign 239
protecting 170
recall undo 169
recalling 168
safe channels 174
sorting 172
storing 166
titling 171
user define buttons 209
Mixdown solo mode 75
Mixing layer
about 15
fader mode indicators 26
faders 32
ON buttons 31
SEL buttons 31
using 31
definition 283
device number 234
user define buttons 209
Modular multitrack recorders 224
Modulation, definition 283
Moni. Setup page 72, 74
connector 17
LEVEL control 11
switch 11
Monitor page 222
about 72
aux sends 90
block diagram 82
bus outs 98
MIDI data 238
outputs 73
phones 73
stereo output 84
using 74
Monodelay->rev 139
Motorized faders 5
connector 19
function menu 30
speed setting 213
type 30
using 30
MOUSE connector 19
MSB, definition 283
counter 178
definition 283
input monitor 238
receive port/channel 234
Multiport 234
Multiport MIDI setup 233
Multitrack recorders 224
Mute groups
disabling 113
making 113
aux sends 93
bus outs 99
effects returns 124
grouping 113
input channels 42
stereo output 85
Naming. See Titling
Noise gate 152
Noise gate, definition 283
Nominal Level, definition 283
Non-drop frame 181
Normal phase 39