User`s guide

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ProMix 01 User’s Guide
1. PAD switches
These switch the input Pad, which attenuates the input signal by
20 dB. See “Pad” on page 18 for more details.
2. GAIN controls
These control the gain of the input preamp. See “Gain on page 18
for more details.
3. LCD
This is a 240 x 64 dot backlit graphic LCD and it displays the LCD
functions and their parameter values graphically and numerically.
4. SCENE MEMORY buttons
These buttons are used to select, store, and recall mix scenes. See
“Scene Memories” on page 61 for more details.
5. Function buttons
These buttons access the various LCD functions. The name of the cur-
rently selected LCD function is shown in the FUNCTION area on the
6. SEL buttons
The SEL buttons are used to select channels. Input channel and stereo
input channel [SEL] buttons select their respective channels. The
RTN/SEND [SEL] button, however, is used to select SEND3, SEND4,
RTN1, and RTN2. Pressing it repeatedly cycles through the four
options. The currently selected RTN/SEND channel is indicated by
the highlighted arrow at the right side of the LCD. When a channel is
selected, its [SEL] button LED lights up.
7. ON buttons
These buttons are used to turn channels ON and OFF. Input channel
and stereo input channel [ON] buttons turn their respective channels
ON and OFF. The RTN/SEND [ON] button, however, is used to turn
SEND3, SEND4, RTN1, and RTN2 ON and OFF. You must, therefore,
use the RTN/SEND [SEL] button to select the RTN/SEND channel
that you want to turn ON or OFF beforehand. When a channel is ON,
its [ON] button LED lights up. When a channel is turned OFF, the
LED goes OFF.
8. Faders
These are multifunction controls, which means they are used to con-
trol more than one signal. They’re motorized, too, which means that
they position themselves automatically when, for example, a mix
scene is recalled, a number of faders are grouped, or an automated
mix via MIDI is played back. See “Faders on page 25 for more details.
9. CUE/2TR IN switch
This switch determines the signal source for the monitor output and
phones. CUE selects the Cue bus, and 2TR IN selects the 2TR IN con-