Data List

PSR-E223/YPT-220 Data List / Datenliste / Liste des données / Lista de datos / Lista de dados 3
MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat /Format des données MIDI /
Formato de datos MIDI / Formato de dados MIDI
1 By default (factory settings) the instrument ordinarily functions as a 16-
channel multi-timbral tone generator, and incoming data does not
affect the panel voices or panel settings. However, the MIDI messages
listed below do affect the panel voices, auto accompaniment, and
MIDI Master Tuning
System exclusive messages for changing the Reverb Type and Chorus
2 Messages for these control change numbers cannot be transmitted
from the instrument itself. However, they may be transmitted when
playing the accompaniment, song or using the harmony effect.
3 Exclusive
<GM System ON> F0H, 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, F7H
This message automatically restores all default settings for the instru-
ment, with the exception of MIDI Master Tuning.
<MIDI Master Volume> F0H, 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 01H, ll, mm, F7H
This message allows the volume of all channels to be changed
simultaneously (Universal System Exclusive).
The values of “mm” is used for MIDI Master Volume. (Values for “ll”
are ignored.)
<MIDI Master Tuning> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 27H, 30H, 00H, 00H, mm, ll, cc,
This message simultaneously changes the tuning value of all chan-
The values of “mm” and “ll” are used for MIDI Master Tuning.
The default value of “mm” and “ll” are 08H and 00H, respectively.
Any values can be used for “n” and “cc.
<Reverb Type> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 02H, 01H, 00H, mmH, llH, F7H
mm : Reverb Type MSB
ll : Reverb Type LSB
Refer to the Effect Map for details.
<Chorus Type> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 02H, 01H, 20H, mmH, llH, F7H
mm : Chorus Type MSB
ll : Chorus Type LSB
Refer to the Effect Map for details.
4 When the accompaniment is started, an FAH message is transmitted.
When accompaniment is stopped, an FCH message is transmitted.
When the clock is set to External, both FAH (accompaniment start)
and FCH (accompaniment stop) are recognized.
5 Local ON/OFF
<Local ON> Bn, 7A, 7F
<Local OFF> Bn, 7A, 00
Value for “n” is ignored.
6 Since this keyboard does not have touch response, the level of the
sound does not change in response to your playing strength. As a
result, when you play the keyboard, the velocity value transmitted via
MIDI is fixed.
However, the velocity of the accompaniment and song playback does
change in response to performance data received via MIDI.
Effect map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
* When a Type LSB value is received that corresponds to no effect type, a value corresponding to the effect type (coming the closest to the
specified value) is automatically set.
* The numbers in parentheses in front of the Effect Type names correspond to the number indicated in the display.
0 No Effect
1 (01)Hall1 (02)Hall2 (03)Hall3
2 Room (04)Room1 (05)Room2
3 Stage (06)Stage1 (07)Stage2
4 Plate (08)Plate1 (09)Plate2
5...127 No Effect
0...63 No Effect
64 Thru
65 Chorus (2)Chorus2
66 Celeste (1)Chorus1
67 Flanger (3)Flanger1 (4)Flanger2
68...127 No Effect
U.R.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation
© 2009 Yamaha Corporation