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PSR-E363, PSR-EW300, YPT-360 사용명서
Song Book 샘플
악보는 Song Book(무료 다운로드 악보) 일부와 함께 제공됩니.
Song Book에는 모든 내장곡( 1~3 제외) 악보뿐만 아니라 연습에 필요 음악 용어와 중요한 요점도 들어 있습니다.
다음 웹사이트에서 사용자 등록 마치면 Song Book 확인할 있습니다.
* Song Book 영어, 프랑스, 독일어, 스페인어로 제공됩니다.
예에서는 영어 Song Book 일부를 소개합니다.
Yamaha Online Member
Für Elise
Für Elise is an all-time classical favorite.
The beautiful, well-known melody is repeated a number of times.
In each step you won’t be practicing alone. You have a wonderful orchestra to back you up!
First, listen to the example a few times. It won’t be long before you’ll want to start playing it yourself!
Für Elise With Step Map
Song No.004
Warm-up Exercise - “The Semitone Mystery” ....................................14
Diligent Practice Time ................................................................ 15
Warm-up Exercise - “Basic Accompaniment” ..................................... 16
Diligent Practice Time ................................................................ 16
First Half Review ...................................................................... 17
Diligent Practice Time ................................................................ 17
Warm-up Exercise - “The Jump Competition” .................................... 18
“EEEEE!” ................................................................................ 18
“Left! Right! Left! Right!” ............................................................ 19
Second Half Review ................................................................... 19
Play the Whole Song! ................................................................. 19
L. v. Beethoven