User Manual

The Functions
PSR-I400 Owner’s Manual
* The appropriate value is automatically set for each Voice combination.
** The appropriate value is automatically set for each Song, Style or Riyaz.
*** For details, refer to “Computer-related Operations” (page 9).
045 Keyboard Out KbdOut ON/OFF ON
Determines whether MIDI messages generated via keyboard per-
formance are transmitted (ON) or not (OFF) from the [USB TO
HOST] terminal.
046 Style Out StyleOut ON/OFF OFF
Determines whether MIDI messages generated via Style play-
back are transmitted (ON) or not (OFF) from the [USB TO HOST]
047 Song Out SongOut ON/OFF OFF
Determines whether MIDI messages generated via Song play-
back are transmitted (ON) or not (OFF) from the [USB TO HOST]
048 Initial Send InitSend YES/NO -
Lets you send the data of the panel settings to a computer. Press [+/
YES] to send, or press [-/NO] to cancel. This operation should be
done immediately after starting the Recording operation on the com-
Metronome (page 18)
Time Signature
TimesigN 00–60 ** Determines the time signature of the Metronome.
Time Signature
Half note, Quarter
note, Eighth note,
Sixteenth note
** Determines the length of each metronome beat.
051 Metronome Volume MtrVol 000–127 100 Determines the volume of the Metronome.
Lesson (page 26)
052 Lesson Track (R) R-Part GuideTrack1–16, OFF 1
Determines the guide track number for your right hand lesson.
The setting is only effective for Songs in SMF format 0 transferred
from a computer.
053 Lesson Track (L) L-Part GuideTrack1–16, OFF 2
Determines the guide track number for your left hand lesson. The
setting is only effective for Songs in SMF format 0 transferred from
a computer.
054 Your Tempo YourTemp ON/OFF ON
This parameter is for Lesson 3 “Waiting.” When set to ON, play-
back tempo will change to match the speed at which you are play-
ing. When set to OFF, playback tempo will be maintained
regardless of the speed at which you are playing.
Demo (page 24)
055 Demo Group DemoGrp
1 (Demo) / 2 (Preset) /
3 (User) / 4 (Down-
load) / 5 (USB)
1 (Demo) Refer to page 46.
056 Demo Play Mode PlayMode
1 (Normal)
2 (Random)
1 (Normal) Refer to page 46.
057 Demo Cancel D-Cancel ON/OFF OFF
Determines whether Demo cancel is enabled or not. When this is
set to ON, the Demo Song will not play, even if the [DEMO] button
is pressed.
Registration Memory (page 31)
058 Freeze Mode Freeze ON/OFF OFF
When set to on, the Style and the Riyaz related settings are main-
tained even if you press another Registration Memory number
Auto Power Off (page 14)
059 Auto Power Off Time AutoOff
OFF, 5/10/15/30/60/
120 (min.)
30 minutes
Specifies the time that will elapse before the instrument’s power is
automatically turned off.
Battery (page 12)
060 Battery Type Battery 1 (Alkaline) / 2 (Ni-MH) 1 (Alkaline) Selects the type of batteries you have installed to this instrument.
Pedal Function (page 20)
061 Pedal Function Pdl Func
1 (Sustain) /
2 (Arp Hold) /
3 (Sus+ArpH) /
4 (Sostenut)
1 (Sustain)
Determines the function of the footswitch connected to the [SUS-
TAIN] jack (page 13). When “1 (Sustain)” or “4 (Sostenut)” is
selected, the footswitch works as a damper pedal or sostenuto
pedal as on an acoustic piano. Note that sustain does not affect
the Split Voice, while sostenuto affects only the Split Voice when
Split is on. When “2 (Arp Hold)” is selected, pressing the foot-
switch maintains Arpeggio playback even if you release the notes
(page 39). When “3 (Sus+ArpH)” is selected, both the Arpeggio
Hold and Sustain functions are assigned to the footswitch.
Function Display Range/Settings Default Value Description