Data List

Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto / エフェクトタイプリスト
PSR-S670 Data List
Modulation Pedal Wah Changes the center frequency of a wah filter according to “Pedal Control” parameter. (See
Effect Parameter List.)
122 0 PEDAL WAH1
Pedal Wah + Distortion Distortion can be applied to the output of Pedal Wah. 122 1 PEDAL WAH2
Dual Rotary Speaker Bright Simulates a rotary speaker. 99 16 ROTARY SPEAKER1
Dual Rotary Speaker Warm Simulates a rotary speaker. 99 17 ROTARY SPEAKER1
Rotary Speaker Simulates a rotary speaker. 69 16 ROTARY SPEAKER2
Tremolo Rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation. 70 16 TREMOLO
E-Piano Tremolo Rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation. 70 18 TREMOLO
Tempo Tremolo Tempo-synchronized rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation. 120 0 TEMPO TREMOLO
Auto Pan Several panning effects that automatically shift the sound position (left, right, front, back). 71 16 AUTO PAN1
Tempo Auto Pan Tempo-synchronized auto pan. 121 0 TEMPO AUTO PAN1
Legacy Hall M Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall. 1 6 REVERB1
Hall L Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall. 1 7 REVERB1
Atmosphere Hall A unique long reverb with atmosphere. 1 23 REVERB1
Percussion Room Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. For percussion sounds. 2 22 REVERB1
Room 1 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 16 REVERB1
Room 2 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 17 REVERB1
Room 3 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 18 REVERB1
Room 4 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 19 REVERB1
Room 5 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 0 REVERB1
Room 6 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 1 REVERB1
Room 7 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 2 REVERB1
Room S Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 5 REVERB1
Room M Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 6 REVERB1
Room L Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 7 REVERB1
White Room A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay. 16 0 REVERB3
Stage 2 Reverb suitable for a solo instrument. 3 17 REVERB1
Stage 3 Reverb suitable for a solo instrument. 3 0 REVERB1
Stage 4 Reverb suitable for a solo instrument. 3 1 REVERB1
Plate 2 Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit. 4 17 REVERB1
Plate 3 Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit. 4 0 REVERB1
GM Plate Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit. 4 7 REVERB1
Tunnel Simulates a cylindrical space expanding to left and right. 17 0 REVERB3
Canyon A hypothetical acoustic space which extends without limit. 18 0 REVERB3
Basement A bit of initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance. 19 0 REVERB3
Karaoke 1 Echo for karaoke. 20 0 KARAOKE
Karaoke 2 Echo for karaoke. 20 1 KARAOKE
Karaoke 3 Echo for karaoke. 20 2 KARAOKE
Early Reflection 1 This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb. 9 0 EARLY REFLECTION
Early Reflection 2 This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb. 9 1 EARLY REFLECTION
Gate Reverb 1 Simulation of gated reverb. 10 0 GATE REVERB
Gate Reverb 2 Simulation of gated reverb. 10 16 GATE REVERB
Reverse Gate Simulation of gated reverb played back in reverse. 11 0 GATE REVERB
V Distortion Warm Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 22 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Classic Hard Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 23 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Classic Soft Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 20 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Metal Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 24 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Edgy Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 19 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Solid Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 25 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Clean 1 Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 17 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Clean 2 Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 26 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Twin Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 16 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Rockabilly Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 103 18 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
V Distortion Jazz Clean Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 27 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Fusion Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 103 19 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
V Distortion Hard Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 0 V DISTORTION
V Distortion Soft Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 2 V DISTORTION
Stereo Amp Sim Clean Stereo amp simulator. 75 27 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Amp Sim BluesHarp Stereo amp simulator. 75 31 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Distortion Hard 1 Hard-edge distortion. 75 16 AMP SIMULATOR1
Distortion Hard 2 Hard-edge distortion. 75 22 AMP SIMULATOR1
Distortion Soft 1 Soft, warm distortion. 75 17 AMP SIMULATOR1
Distortion Soft 2 Soft, warm distortion. 75 23 AMP SIMULATOR1
Distortion Heavy Heavy distortion. 73 0 DISTORTION
Overdrive Adds mild distortion to the sound. 74 0 DISTORTION
Stereo Distortion Stereo distortion. 73 8 STEREO DISTORTION
Stereo Overdrive Stereo overdrive. 74 8 STEREO DISTORTION
Stereo Distortion Hard Hard-edge stereo distortion. 75 18 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Distortion Soft Soft, warm soft distortion. 75 19 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Amp Simulator 1 A simulation of a guitar amp. 75 0 AMP SIMULATOR1
Amp Simulator 2 A simulation of a guitar amp. 75 1 AMP SIMULATOR2
Stereo Amp Simulator 1 Stereo amp simulator. 75 20 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Amp Simulator 2 Stereo amp simulator. 75 21 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Amp Simulator 3 Stereo amp simulator. 75 8 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Amp Simulator 4 Stereo amp simulator. 75 24 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Stereo Amp Simulator 5 Stereo amp simulator. 75 25 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Category Type Description MSB LSB Parameter List