Data List

Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto / エフェクトタイプリスト
PSR-S670 Data List
Legacy Stereo Amp Simulator 6 Stereo amp simulator. 75 26 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Distortion + Delay 1 Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 95 16 DISTORTION DELAY
Distortion + Delay 2 Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 95 0 DISTORTION DELAY
Overdrive + Delay 1 Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 95 17 DISTORTION DELAY
Overdrive + Delay 2 Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 95 1 DISTORTION DELAY
Comp + Dist + Delay 1 Compressor, Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 96 16 COMP DIST DELAY
Comp + Dist + Delay 2 Compressor, Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 96 0 COMP DIST DELAY
Comp + OD + Delay 1 Compressor, Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 96 17 COMP DIST DELAY
Comp + OD + Delay 2 Compressor, Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 96 1 COMP DIST DELAY
V Distortion Soft + Delay V Distortion Soft and Delay are connected in series. 98 3 V DISTORTION DELAY
V Dist Hard + Tmp Delay 1 V Distortion Hard and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 0 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
V Dist Hard + Tmp Delay 2 V Distortion Hard and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 17 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
V Dist Soft + Tmp Delay 1 V Distortion Soft and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 1 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
V Dist Soft + Tmp Delay 2 V Distortion Soft and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 16 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
Distortion + Tempo Delay Distortion and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 100 0 DIST TEMPO DELAY
Overdrive + Tempo Delay Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 100 1 DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + Distortion 1 Since a Compressor is included in the first stage, steady distortion can be produced
regardless of changes in input level.
Comp + Distortion 2 Since a Compressor is included in the first stage, steady distortion can be produced
regardless of changes in input level.
Comp + Dist + Tmp Delay Compressor, Distortion and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 0 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 1 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 1 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 2 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 16 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 3 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 17 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 4 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 18 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 5 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 19 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Comp + OD + Tmp Delay 6 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 20 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Multiband Compressor Multi-band compressor that allows you to adjust the compression effect for individual
frequency bands.
Compressor Holds down the output level when a specified input level is exceeded. A sense of attack can
also be added to the sound.
Noise Gate Gates the input when the input signal falls below a specified level. 84 0 NOISE GATE
EQ Disco Equalizer effect that boosts both high and low frequencies, as is typical in most disco music. 76 16 3BAND EQ
2Band EQ A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts. 77 0 2BAND EQ
Stereo 3Band EQ A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalization. 76 18 3BAND EQ
Harmonic Enhancer 1 Adds new harmonics to the input signal to make the sound stand out. 81 16 HARMONIC ENHANCER
Harmonic Enhancer 2 Adds new harmonics to the input signal to make the sound stand out. 81 0 HARMONIC ENHANCER
Isolator Controls the level of a specified frequency band of the input signal. 115 0 ISOLATOR
Chorus 3 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 66 16 CHORUS
Chorus 4 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 66 1 CHORUS
Chorus 5 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 2 CHORUS
Chorus 6 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 0 CHORUS
Chorus 7 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 1 CHORUS
Chorus 8 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 8 CHORUS
Chorus Fast Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 16 CHORUS
Chorus Lite Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 17 CHORUS
GM Chorus 1 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 3 CHORUS
GM Chorus 2 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 4 CHORUS
GM Chorus 3 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 5 CHORUS
GM Chorus 4 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 6 CHORUS
Feedback Chorus Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 7 CHORUS
Celeste 1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. 66 0 CHORUS
Celeste 2 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. 66 2 CHORUS
Symphonic 2 Adds more stages to the modulation of Celeste. 68 0 SYMPHONIC
Ensemble Detune 1 Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound. 87 0 ENSEMBLE DETUNE
Ensemble Detune 2 Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound. 87 16 ENSEMBLE DETUNE
Ambience Chorus Chorus which added early reflection sound. 65 9 AMBIENCE CHORUS
Ambience Celeste Celeste which added early reflection sound. 66 9 AMBIENCE CHORUS
Ambience Symphonic Symphonic which added early reflection sound. 68 9 AMBIENCE SYMPHONIC
Flanger 2 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 16 FLANGER
Flanger 3 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 17 FLANGER
Flanger 4 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 1 FLANGER
Flanger 5 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 0 FLANGER
GM Flanger Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 7 FLANGER
Ambience Flanger Flanger which added early reflection sound. 67 9 AMBIENCE FLANGER
Phaser 2 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. 72 8 PHASER2
Phaser 3 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. 72 19 PHASER2
Tempo Phaser 2 Tempo-synchronized phaser. 108 16 TEMPO PHASER
E-Piano Phaser 2 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. For electric piano. 72 18 PHASER1
E-Piano Phaser 3 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. For electric piano. 72 16 PHASER1
Auto Wah 2 Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter. 78 0 AUTO WAH
Auto Wah + Distortion 2 Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 1 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Auto Wah + Dist Hard Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 21 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Auto Wah + Dist Heavy Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 23 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Auto Wah + Dist Lite Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 25 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Auto Wah + Overdrive 1 Overdrive distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 18 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Auto Wah + Overdrive 2 Overdrive distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 2 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Category Type Description MSB LSB Parameter List