Owner's Manual

88 PSR-S670 Owner’s Manual
– Using Your Instrument with Other Devices –
This chapter covers the connectors on the Rear Panel of this instrument.
1 [USB TO DEVICE] terminal ..................................................Page 91
2 [USB TO HOST] terminal......................................................Page 93
3 [LCD CONTRAST] knob ....................................................... Page 16
4 [AUX IN] jack......................................................................... Page 89
5 [PHONES] jack...................................................................... Page 16
6 OUTPUT [L/L+R]/[R] jacks ................................................... Page 89
7 FOOT PEDAL [1]/[2] jacks.................................................... Page 90
8 DC IN jack.............................................................................. Page 14
Before connecting the instrument to other electronic components, turn off the power of all the components. Also, before turning any components on
or off, make sure to set all volume levels to minimum (0). Otherwise, damage to the components, electrical shock, or even permanent hearing loss
may occur.
Rear Panel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8