User Manual

PSR-S950/S750 Reference Manual 19
Same parameters as in the VOICE SET “EFFECT/EQ” Page explained on page 16.
[1 ] VOL (Volume) Adjusts the overall volume of the Organ Flutes. The longer the graphic
bar, the greater the volume.
[2 ] RESP (Response) Affects both the attack and release (page 16) portion of the sound, increas-
ing or decreasing the response time of the initial swell and release, based
on the FOOTAGE controls. The higher the value, the slower the swell and
[3 ]VIB. SPEED
(Vibrato Speed)
Determines the speed of the vibrato effect controlled by the Vibrato On/
Off ([F]/[G] buttons) and Vibrato Depth ([H] button).
[4 ] MODE The MODE control selects between two modes: FIRST and EACH. In the
FIRST mode, attack (percussive sound) is applied only to the first notes
played and held simultaneously; while the first notes are held, any subse-
quently played notes have no attack applied. In the EACH mode, attack is
applied equally to all notes.
[5 ]–
[7 ]
4’, 2 2/3’, 2’ These determine the attack sound volume of the Organ Flutes Voice. The
4’, 2-2/3’ and 2’ controls increase or reduce the volume of attack sound at
the corresponding footages. The longer the graphic bar, the greater the
attack sound volume.
[8 ] LENG (Length) Affects the attack portion of the sound producing a longer or shorter decay
immediately after the initial attack. The longer the graphic bar, the longer
the decay.
Same as the