User Manual

44 PSR-S950/S750 Reference Manual
To view the music notation of the selected Song, press the [SCORE] button. You can change the Score
display as desired to suit your personal preferences. The settings here are maintained even when the power is
turned off.
NOTE You can save the setting here as a part of a Song by accessing [FUNCTION] [F] DIGITAL REC MENU [A] SONG CREATOR TAB [E][F] CHANNEL
[A]/[B] SETUP. See page 64.
NOTE Depending on the particular commercially available Song, Score display may not be possible.
NOTE The score of an Audio Song cannot be shown because the score is created based only on MIDI events.
Editing Music Notation Settings
[1 ] LEFT ON/
Enables/disables display of the left-hand notation. Depending on other settings,
this parameter may be unavailable and may appear grayed out. If this is the case,
go to the detailed setting display (on page 45) and set the LEFT CH parameter to
any channel except “AUTO.” Or, go to the display [FUNCTION] [B] SONG
SETTING and set the TRACK 2 parameter to any channel except “OFF”
(page 48). RIGHT (next parameter) and LEFT cannot be turned off at the same
[2 ] RIGHT ON/
Enables/disables display of the right-hand notation. RIGHT and LEFT (above)
cannot be turned off at the same time.
[3 ] CHORD ON/
Enables/disables display of the chords. If the selected Song does not contain chord
data, chords are not displayed.
[4 ] LYRICS ON/
Enables/disables display of the lyrics. If the selected Song does not contain lyric
data, lyrics are not displayed. When the Song contains Pedal events, pressing these
buttons can display the Pedal events, instead of displaying Lyrics.
[5 ]NOTE ON/
Enables/disables display of the note name (pitch). The note name is indicated at the
left of the note. When the space between the notes is too small, the indication may
be moved to the top left of the note. When the Song contains Fingering events,
pressing these buttons can display the fingering, instead of displaying note names.
[6 ] COLOR ON/
When this is set to ON, the notes in the display appear in color (C: red, D: yellow,
E: green, F: orange, G: blue, A: purple, and B: gray).
[7 ] SIZE Determines the display zoom level of the notation.
[8 ] SET UP Calls up the detailed setting display. See page 45.