User Manual

PSR-S970/S770 Reference Manual 99
Microphone/Guitar Input
Editing the OVERVIEW Tab Parameters
1 Use the [A]–[E] (or [J]) buttons to select the parameter to be adjusted, then set the
value by using the [1 ]–[8 ] buttons or sliders.
For information on each parameter, see pages 100–101.
2 Press the [G] (VOCAL EFFECT EDIT) button to edit the Vocal Effect.
On the display called up via this operation, use the [3 ]–[5 ] buttons to select the parameter then
use the [6 ]–[7 ] buttons to set the value. If necessary, you can change the Effect Type from the
one selected in step 1 also on this display via the [1 ]/[2 ] buttons.
For information on each parameter, refer to the Data List on the website.