User Manual

18 PSR-SX600 Reference Manual
The common settings for a Voice can be accessed in the display below.
1 Call up the operation display.
[MENU] TAB [E] Menu1 Cursor buttons [][][E][F] Voice Setting [ENTER] TAB [E]
2 Use the Cursor buttons [][] to select the desired parameter.
3 Use the [2 ]–[7 ] buttons to edit each parameter.
1 Mono/Poly Touch Response
2 Arpeggio
Changing Detailed Voice Settings (Touch Response, Mono/Poly,
[2 ]/
[3 ]/
[4 ]
Mono/Poly Determines whether the Voice of the keyboard part selected above is played
monophonically or polyphonically. When Mono is selected, the part’s Voice is
played monophonically (only one note at the time) with last note priority, letting
you play single, lead sounds such as brass instruments more realistically. Depend-
ing on the Voice, Portamento may be produced when notes are played with legato.
When Poly is selected, the part’s Voice is played polyphonically.
NOTE Portamento is a function that creates a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the
keyboard to the next.
[6 ]/
[7 ]
Touch Response Turns the Touch Response of the keyboard on or off. When this is set to “Off,” the
same volume is produced no matter how strongly or softly you play the keyboard.
On the display called up via the following operations, you can change the Touch
setting (touch sensitivity). For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
[MENU] TAB [E] Menu1 Cursor buttons [][][E][F] Controller
[ENTER] TAB [F] Setting
[3 ]/
[4 ]
Arpeggio Quantize Synchronize Arpeggio playback with Song/Style playback—allowing any slight
imperfections in the timing to be corrected. When not making it synchronize,
select “Off.
[5 ]/
[6 ]
Arpeggio Hold Turns the Arpeggio Hold function on or off. When this is set to “On,” while this is
set to “On,” while the [HARMONY/ARPEGGIO] button is on, Arpeggio play-
back can be continued even after the note has been released. To stop Arpeggio
playback, press the [HARMONY/ARPEGGIO] button to turn it off.
Use the Cursor
buttons [][].