User Manual

PSR-SX600 Reference Manual 49
6 Select the desired instrument to be used.
6-1 Use the [3 ]/[4 ] (Instrument) buttons to call up the window to select the instrument.
6-2 Use the [2 ]–[7 ] buttons to select the Kit, Category and Instrument in order.
6-3 Press the [EXIT] button to close the window.
7 If necessary, set the volume Level, Pan or Pitch by using the [5 ]–[7 ] buttons.
8 If necessary, make more detailed settings.
8-1 Press the [8 ] (Detail) button to call up the detailed settings window.
8-2 Use the [3 ]–[5 ] buttons to select the parameter, then use the [6 ]/ [7 ] but-
tons to set the value.
The parameters with “*” in the list below indicates that the settings here affect the settings in step 7.
Pitch Coarse* For coarse tuning of the pitch in semitone increments.
Pitch Fine* For fine tuning of the pitch in cent increments.
NOTE In musical terms a “cent” is 1/100th of a semitone. (100 cents equal one semitone.)
Level* For adjusting the volume level.
Alternate Group Determines the Alternate Group. Any instruments in the same group number can-
not sound at the same time. Playing any instrument within a numbered group will
immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the
same number. If this is set to 0, the instruments in the group can sound at the
same time.
Pan* Determines the stereo position.
Reverb Send For adjusting the reverb depth.