User Manual

PSR-SX600 Reference Manual 69
Talk Page
The settings here are for your speech or announcements (NOT for your singing performance). All indications
and parameters (with the exception of Talk Mixing below) are the same as in the Vocal page. However, the
settings are independent from those in the Vocal page.
The settings will be lost if you exit from this display or turn the power to the instrument off without executing the Save operation.
4 Talk Mixing This function lets you making settings for talking or making announcements between song
Reduction Level Determines the amount of reduction to be applied to the overall
sound (excepting the microphone input)—allowing you to effec-
tively adjust the balance between your voice and the overall instru-
ment sound.
Pan Determines the stereo pan position of the microphone sound.
Reverb Depth Determines the depth of the reverb effects applied to the micro-
phone sound.
Chorus Depth Determines the depth of the chorus effects applied to the micro-
phone sound.
Volume Determines the output volume of the microphone sound.