User Manual

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58 PSR-SX600 Reference Manual
Using the Guide Function
With the Guide function, the instrument indicates the timing you need to play notes in the Score display for
ease in learning. This instrument also features convenient vocal practice tools that let you adjust the timing of
Song playback to match your vocal performance.
1 Select the desired Song for practicing the keyboard or singing.
2 Call up the setting display.
[MENU] TAB [E] Menu1 Cursor buttons [][][E][F] Song Setting [ENTER] Cursor
buttons [] 1 Part Channel/Guide Mode
3 Use the [6 ]/[7 ] buttons to select the desired Guide mode.
Guide modes for keyboard practice
Follow Lights
When this is selected, Song playback pauses, waiting for you to play the notes correctly. When you play
the correct notes, Song playback continues. Follow Lights was developed for the Yamaha Clavinova
series. This function is used for practicing purposes, with built-in lamps on the keyboard indicating the
notes to be played. Even though the PSR-SX600 does not have these lamps, you can use the same function
by following the indications in the displayed notation with the Song Score function.
Any Key
With this function, you can play the melody of a Song just by pressing a single key (any key is OK) in time
with the rhythm. Song playback pauses and waits for you to play any key. Simply play a key on the
keyboard in time with the music and Song playback continues.
Yo u r Te mp o
The same as Follow Lights, except that Song playback matches the speed at which you play.
Guide mode for singing
This function lets you control the Song playback timing with just one finger, while you sing along. This is
useful for singing to your own performance. Song playback pauses, waiting for you to sing. Simply play
any key on the keyboard (playing the keyboard produces no sound) and Song playback continues.