User Manual

Table Of Contents
86 PSR-SX600 Reference Manual
Move the Cursor on the display by using the Cursor buttons [][][E][F], and use the [1 ]–[8 ]
buttons, [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons, or the Data dial to edit parameters.
Voice, etc. Allows you to re-select the Voices for each keyboard part or each part (channel) of the
Style or Song. Use the [1 ]–[8 ] buttons or [+/YES] [-/NO] buttons to call up
the Voice (or file) selection page for the channel (part). After selecting the desired Voice
or file, press the [EXIT] button to return to the Mixer display. When the Panel part is
selected, the same operation allows you to re-select the Style, Song or Audio file
(instead of the Voice) for the corresponding part.
NOTE Note the following operation limitations.
When a GM Song is selected, only a Drum Kit Voice may be selected for channel 10 (in the Song9-16
NOTE For a Style or Song channel, calling up a rhythm/percussion Voice (Drum Kit, etc.) will replace the channel
settings with those for the new Voice. In such a case, the original settings may not be restored even if you re-
select the original Voice. To restore the original sound, select the same Style or Song again without carrying
out the Save operation.
Panpot Determines the stereo position of the selected part (channel).
Volume Determines the volume of each part or channel, giving you fine control over the balance
of all the parts.
Editing Filter Parameters
Resonance Allows you to adjust the Resonance (page 16) for each part.
Cutoff Determines the brightness of the sound for each part by adjusting the Cutoff Frequency
(page 16).