User Manual

Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto / Lista de tipos de efeito / Daftar Jenis Efek / 效果类型列表 / エフェクトタイプリスト
PSR-SX600 Data List
Parameter List
(pages 35 – 45)
Legacy StAmpSim6 Stereo amp simulator. 75 26 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
Dist+Delay1 Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 95 16 DISTORTION DELAY
Dist+Delay2 Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 95 0 DISTORTION DELAY
OD+Delay1 Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 95 17 DISTORTION DELAY
OD+Delay2 Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 95 1 DISTORTION DELAY
Cmp+Dst+Dly1 Compressor, Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 96 16 COMP DIST DELAY
Cmp+Dst+Dly2 Compressor, Distortion and Delay are connected in series. 96 0 COMP DIST DELAY
Cmp+OD+Dly1 Compressor, Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 96 17 COMP DIST DELAY
Cmp+OD+Dly2 Compressor, Overdrive and Delay are connected in series. 96 1 COMP DIST DELAY
VDistS+Dly V Distortion Soft and Delay are connected in series. 98 3 V DISTORTION DELAY
VDistH+TDly1 V Distortion Hard and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 0 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
VDistH+TDly2 V Distortion Hard and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 17 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
VDistS+TDly1 V Distortion Soft and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 1 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
VDistS+TDly2 V Distortion Soft and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 103 16 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
Dst+TmpDelay Distortion and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 100 0 DIST TEMPO DELAY
OD+TmpDelay Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 100 1 DIST TEMPO DELAY
Since a Compressor is included in the first stage, steady distortion can be produced
regardless of changes in input level.
Since a Compressor is included in the first stage, steady distortion can be produced
regardless of changes in input level.
Cmp+Dst+TDly Compressor, Distortion and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 0 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly1 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 1 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly2 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 16 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly3 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 17 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly4 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 18 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly5 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 19 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Cmp+OD+TDly6 Compressor, Overdrive and Tempo Delay are connected in series. 101 20 COMP DIST TEMPO DELAY
Multi-band compressor that allows you to adjust the compression effect for individual
frequency bands.
Holds down the output level when a specified input level is exceeded. A sense of attack can
also be added to the sound.
NoiseGate Gates the input when the input signal falls below a specified level. 84 0 NOISE GATE
EQ Disco Equalizer effect that boosts both high and low frequencies, as is typical in most disco music. 76 16 3BAND EQ
2BandEQ A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts. 77 0 2BAND EQ
St3BandEQ A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalization. 76 18 3BAND EQ
HmEnhance1 Adds new harmonics to the input signal to make the sound stand out. 81 16 HARMONIC ENHANCER
HmEnhance2 Adds new harmonics to the input signal to make the sound stand out. 81 0 HARMONIC ENHANCER
Isolator Controls the level of a specified frequency band of the input signal. 115 0 ISOLATOR
Chorus3 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 66 16 CHORUS
Chorus4 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 66 1 CHORUS
Chorus5 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 2 CHORUS
Chorus6 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 0 CHORUS
Chorus7 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 1 CHORUS
Chorus8 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 8 CHORUS
ChorusFast Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 16 CHORUS
ChorusLite Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 17 CHORUS
GM Chorus1 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 3 CHORUS
GM Chorus2 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 4 CHORUS
GM Chorus3 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 5 CHORUS
GM Chorus4 Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 6 CHORUS
FeedBkChorus Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 65 7 CHORUS
Celeste1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. 66 0 CHORUS
Celeste2 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. 66 2 CHORUS
Symphonic2 Adds more stages to the modulation of Celeste. 68 0 SYMPHONIC
EnsDetune1 Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound. 87 0 ENSEMBLE DETUNE
EnsDetune2 Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound. 87 16 ENSEMBLE DETUNE
AmbiChorus Chorus which added early reflection sound. 65 9 AMBIENCE CHORUS
AmbiCeleste Celeste which added early reflection sound. 66 9 AMBIENCE CHORUS
AmbiSympho Symphonic which added early reflection sound. 68 9 AMBIENCE SYMPHONIC
Flanger2 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 16 FLANGER
Flanger3 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 17 FLANGER
Flanger4 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 1 FLANGER
Flanger5 Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 0 FLANGER
GM Flanger Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane. 67 7 FLANGER
DynFlanger Dynamically controlled flanger. 110 0 DYNAMIC FLANGER
AmbiFlanger Flanger which added early reflection sound. 67 9 AMBIENCE FLANGER
Phaser2 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. 72 8 PHASER2
Phaser3 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. 72 19 PHASER2
TempoPhaser2 Tempo-synchronized phaser. 108 16 TEMPO PHASER
EP Phaser2 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. For electric piano. 72 18 PHASER1
EP Phaser3 Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. For electric piano. 72 16 PHASER1
DynPhaser Dynamically controlled phaser. 111 0 DYNAMIC PHASER
AutoWah2 Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter. 78 0 AUTO WAH
AtWah+Dist2 Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 1 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
AtWah+DistHd Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 21 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
AtWah+DistHv Distortion can be applied to the output of Auto Wah. 78 23 AUTO WAH DISTORTION
Category Type Description MSB LSB
Parameter List
(pages 3545)