User Manual

PSR-SX900/SX700 Owner’s Manual 43
Playing with Styles—Setting Up
One Touch Setting is a powerful and convenient feature that automatically calls up the
most appropriate panel settings (Voices, effects, etc.) for the currently selected Style, with
the touch of a single button. If you’ve already decided which Style you wish to use, you
can have One Touch Setting automatically select the appropriate Voice for you.
1 Select the Desired Style (steps 1–2 on page 40).
2 Press one of the ONE TOUCH SETTING [1]–[4] buttons.
Not only does this instantly call up all the settings (Voices, effects, etc.) that match
and are most commonly used with the current Style, it also automatically turns on
ACMP and SYNC START, so that you can immediately start playing the Style.
3 As soon as you play a chord with your left hand, the selected
Style starts.
Each Style has four One Touch Setting setups. Press any other of the ONE TOUCH
SETTING [1]–[4] buttons to try out other setups.
Optimum Panel Settings for the Current Style (One Touch Setting)
For information on panel settings that
are called up by One Touch Setting,
refer to the OTS section of “Parameter
Chart” in the Data List on the website
(page 9).
Confirming the One Touch Setting Contents
In the Style Selection display, touch (Menu) then [Style Information] to
call up the Information window that shows what Voices are assigned to the
ONE TOUCH SETTING [1]–[4] buttons for the current Style. You can call up
the desired settings also by touching one of the One Touch Settings numbers 1–
4 directly on the Information window.
You can automatically have the One
Touch Settings change when you select
a Main section (A–D) of the selected
Style. For details, refer to “OTS LINK”
(page 59).