User Manual

PSR-SX900/SX700 Owner’s Manual 47
Playing with Styles—Setting Up
Specifying chords with your right hand for Style playback
By changing the Chord Detection area from the left-hand section to the right-hand section, you can play a bass line with
your left hand while using your right hand to play chords for controlling Style playback.
1 Call up the Split Point/Fingering window.
[MENU] [Split & Fingering]
2 Make the necessary settings by touching the display.
Chord Detection
Select “Upper.” The Chord section is set to the right of the left Split Point. Fingering type is
set to “Fingered*” automatically.
Manual Bass When this is set to “On”, the bass part of the current Style is muted and the Voice of the muted
bass part is assigned to the left part.
Split Point
(Right 3)
Split Point
Split Point
LEFT Voice section
(Left-hand section)
RIGHT 1, 2
parts section
Right-hand section
Chord section
“Fingered*” is basically same as “Fingered,” except that “1+5,” “1+8” and Chord Cancel are not available.
For information about when the “Chord Detection Area” is set to “Lower,” refer to “Setting the Split Point” (page 45).
Manual Bass is set to “On” automatically by the default settings when you select “Upper” in the Chord Detection Area
This parameter is available only when the “Chord Detection Area” is set to “Upper.”