User Manual

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98 PSR-SX900/SX700 Reference Manual
for each Lead
note and Har-
mony note
The following parameters can be adjusted for each Lead note (microphone sound) and Harmony
Transpose: For shifting the pitch of each Harmony note and Lead note. The range for all notes is
the same; however, the lead note can only be adjusted in octaves.
When the Chordal Type is set to “ScaleDiatonic,” this parameter changes to Degree, letting you
shift the pitch in degree from -3 octaves (-22 scale degrees) – Unison (1 scale degree) – +3 octaves
(+22 scale degrees).
Detune: Determines the fine pitch setting for each Harmony note from -50 cents to +50 cents.
Formant: Determines the formant setting for each Harmony note. The higher the value, the more
“feminine” the harmony voice becomes. The lower the value, the more “masculine” the voice.
Pan: Determines the pan position setting for each Harmony note. Setting each Harmony note to a
different pan position, with the Lead vocal at center, for example, results in a naturally wide
stereo sound.
Vol ume : Determines the volume setting for each Harmony note. Use this to adjust the relative
level balance among the Lead vocal and the Harmony notes.
For setting how the Harmony notes are assigned or voiced to the Lead note (microphone sound).
For details, refer to the Data List (Vocal Harmony Parameter List) on the website.
When the Harmony mode is set to “Chordal”
Session Table: Determines how the harmonies will be voiced, or what type of chord will be used
in creating the harmonies, according to different musical styles.
Key Root, Key Type: When the Chordal Type (e) is set to “ScaleDiatonic,” this parameter is
available. Harmony notes based on the settings here do not depend on the chord but match the
diatonic scale of the current song’s key signature.
When the Harmony mode is set to “Vocoder” or “Vocoder-Mono”
Transpose Mode: Determines the amount by which the harmony parts are transposed. A setting
of “0” results in no transposition, while the “Auto” setting results in automatic transposition.
When Pitch Correct Mode (u) is set to OFF the Lead part is not available for the Transpose, Detune and Formant parame-
The Transpose values of the Harmonies are available only when the Mode (w) is set to “Chordal.”
This parameter is available only when the Chordal Type is set to something other than “ScaleDiatonic” or “Parallel.”