User Manual

Table Of Contents
PSR-SX900/SX700 Reference Manual 99
For editing parameters related to the Effects applied to the Vocal Harmony notes.
4 Touch (Save), then save the edits as an original Vocal Har-
mony type.
A total of 60 types (Vocal Harmony and Synth Vocoder types) can be saved. For
ease in future recall, you should assign a descriptive name that matches the set-
Detail Setting Pitch Correct Mode: Corrects the pitch of the Lead note (microphone sound). “Off
” does not
correct while “Hard” corrects the pitch most accurately.
Humanize: This setting allows you to make the Vocal Harmony sounds more natural and less
“electronic,by introducing slight time discrepancies between the Lead and Harmony notes.
Off: No Humanize effect.
1: The Humanize effect is applied to the Harmony to create a more natural feel, with an authen-
tic-sounding widening effect, giving the impression of more people singing.
2: The Humanize effect is applied to the Harmony to produce a more distinct groove. Even
faster passages retain their rhythmic essence.
3: The Humanize effect is applied to the Harmony to reflect the way in which the lead vocalist
and back chorus interact, with the lead vocal out front, and the timing slightly relaxed.
Lead Pitch Detect Speed, Harm Pitch Detect Speed: Determines how fast the pitch of the Lead
note and the harmony notes are detected in response to the signal via the microphone. “1”
responds most slowly, “4” is standard, “15” responds most quickly, and “as Mic Setting” gives
priority to the speed specified at the Pitch Detect “Response” of the Mic Setting display
(page 94).
Harmony Effect: Determines the Effect type applied to the Harmony notes added to the Lead
Harmony Stability: Determines the stability degree to which the Harmony is applied to the Lead
note. When set to “Stable,” this has a relatively stable sound with little harmony motion. When
set to “Dynamic,” this tends to add harmony with motion according to the input sound.
Lead Vibrato Depth: This specifies the vibrato depth of the lead sound.
Harm Vibrato Depth: This specifies the vibrato depth of the harmony sound.
Vibrato Speed: This specifies the vibrato speed of both the lead and harmony sounds.
Vibrato Delay: This specifies the vibrato delay of both the lead and harmony sounds.
For more information about the parameters of Detail Settings, refer to the Data List (Vocal Har-
mony Parameter List) on the website.
Effect On/Off Turns on or off the Effects applied to the Vocal Harmony notes.
Type Selects the Effect type applied to the Vocal Harmony notes. You can edit also the detailed
parameters of the selected type. For details, refer to the Data List (“Vocal Effect Type List”
for the Vocal Harmony Effect types, and “Vocal Harmony Parameter List” for the Vocal Har-
mony Effect parameters) on the website.
Lead Adjusts the Effect depth applied to the Lead note.
Harmony Adjusts the Effect depth applied to the Harmony notes.
Reverb Adjusts the Reverb depth applied to the microphone sound. This setting is equivalent to that
in the Mixer display (page 107).
Chorus Adjusts the Chorus depth applied to the microphone sound. This setting is equivalent to that
in the Mixer display (page 107).
The settings here are lost if you
turn off the power without carry-
ing out the Save operation.
If you want to save the Vocal Harmony
settings to a USB flash drive, save as a
User Effect file. To do this, on the dis-
play called up via [MENU] [Utility]
[Factory Reset/Backup] page 2/2,
touch [Save] of “User Effect” to carry
out the Save operation (page 133).