User's Manual

50 PSR-SX900/SX700 Owner’s Manual
You can apply the Keyboard Harmony or Arpeggio features to enhance or change the
sound of the Right-hand parts (RIGHT 1–3). Keyboard Harmony applies performance
effects such as harmony (duet, trio, etc.), echo, tremolo and trill to the notes played in the
Right-hand section. The Arpeggio function lets you play arpeggios (broken chords) by
simply pressing the notes of the chord. For example, you could play the notes C, E and G to
trigger interesting and rhythmically dynamic phrases. This feature can be used for music
production as well as live performance.
Using Keyboard Harmony
1 Call up the operation display.
[MENU] [Kbd Harmony/Arp]
2 Set the Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio function to “On.
When this is set to “On,” Keyboard Harmony is applied to your keyboard perfor-
mance automatically.
3 Touch to select the desired category, “Harmony” or “Echo.
4 Touch the desired Harmony or Echo type.
Touching (detailed settings) calls up the detailed settings popup window. For
more information, refer to the Reference Manual on the web site.
5 Play the keyboard.
The effect selected in step 4 is applied to the right-hand melody.
To turn off the effect, turn the [HARMONY/ARPEGGIO] button off.
Keyboard Harmony category types (Harmony/Echo)
Harmony Category
Standard Duet—Strum
These types apply the harmony effect to notes played in the right-hand section of the key-
board according to the chord specified in the left-hand section of the keyboard. (Note that
the “1+5” and “Octave” settings are not affected by the chord.)
• When the [ACMP] button is on and the LEFT part is off:
Setting up Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio
When you select another Voice for the
RIGHT 1 part, the Keyboard Harmony/
Arpeggio type is automatically set to the
type which is memorized as the Voice
Set. For details on the Voice Set func-
tion, refer to the Reference Manual on
the website.
You can also set the function to “On” by
turning the [HARMONY/ARPEGGIO]
button on.
For details on the Split Point, refer to
page 45.
Chord section for Style playback and Harmony effect
Split Point