Operation Manual

86 - English English - 87
The Drive Unit, battery pack, battery charger, display unit,
speed sensor set, accessories and packaging should be
sorted for environmental-friendly recycling.
Do not dispose of the bicycle or its components as house-
hold waste.
For EU countries:
According to the European Guideline 2012/19/EU, electri-
cal devices/tools that are no longer usable, and according
to the European Guideline 2006/66/EC, defective or used
battery packs/batteries, must be collected separately and
disposed of in an environmentally correct manner.
Please return battery packs that are no longer usable to
an authorized bicycle dealer.
E-Bike Systems
Symptom Check Action
Pedaling is difficult.
Is the display unit’s
power on?
Press the power switch on the display
unit to turn the power on.
Is the battery pack
Install a charged battery pack.
Is the battery pack
Charge the battery pack.
Has the bicycle
remained stationary for
5 minutes or longer?
Turn the power on again.
Are you riding on a long
inclined road or carrying
a heavy load during
This is not a malfunction. It is a
safeguard engaged when the
temperature of the battery pack or the
Drive Unit is too high. Power assist will
be restored once the temperature of the
battery pack or the Drive Unit has
decreased. Also, you can make this less
likely to occur by shifting to a lower gear
than you would usually use (for example,
by shifting from second to first gear).
Is the air temperature
low (roughly 10 °C or
During the wintertime, store the battery
pack indoors before use.
Is the display set
Set the display correctly.
Are you charging the
battery pack while it is
mounted on the
Stop charging the battery pack.
The Drive Unit turns
on and off while
Is the battery pack
correctly installed?
Check to make sure the battery pack is
locked in place.
If this problem still occurs with the
battery pack firmly locked in place, there
may be a loose connection the battery
pack terminals or wires. Have an
authorized dealer inspect your bicycle.
Strange rumbling or
crunching noises
come from the Drive
There could be a problem inside the
Drive Unit.
Smoke or unusual
odor comes from the
Drive Unit.
There could be a problem inside the
Drive Unit.