User Manual

Reference Manual
With QL V1.07 and later, when settings are initialized, including Dante audio network settings, or
a firmware update is installed, the Preferred Master setting is turned on. This setting is not
changed when console settings are changed or when the console is restarted. It can be turned
off using the Dante Controller, if necessary. If this default setting is used to change CL or QL word
clock settings for anything other than Dante, that console is given priority as the clock master for
the Dante network to prevent clock synchronization errors. Further, you can use Dante Controller
to clearly specify the master by turning on only Preferred Master for the device that will always be
running (off for all other devices).
DANTE SETUP window (SETUP page)
The button you switched is shown in red.
When the Dante audio network settings have been applied, the button you selected will return
to its original appearance.
If you change the SECONDARY PORT, you must also change the method of connection between
the QL series console and the I/O devices. For example if the connections used for the
REDUNDANT setting are left as they are when you change the setting to DAISY CHAIN, it will
become impossible to send and receive audio. Be sure to disconnect the cables before you
change the setting.
The CONSOLE ID and SECONDARY PORT settings will not be changed even if you initialize the
QL series console.
When the CONSOLE ID is OFF or is set to 2, 3, or 4 for a QL series console, the console’s BIT/
LATENCY will not change even if the BIT/LATENCY is changed in the DANTE SETUP window
for the QL series console within a network for which the CONSOLE ID is set to 1.
When the CONSOLE ID is set to OFF, the DANTE PATCH BY field is fixed to “DANTE
CONTROLLER.” Also, patching cannot be changed in the DANTE INPUT PATCH window.
When the CONSOLE ID is set to OFF, all the mounted devices will be “virtual.
You can edit HA GAIN and other settings for R series units, but notification of the settings will not
be sent to the device. This is the same as when the devices are not connected.
Setting the Dante audio network latency
An appropriate latency setting for signals sent and received via a Dante audio network varies
depending on the network connection method and size. This section explains how to set an
appropriate latency setting depending on the connection method of Dante-enabled devices
that are connected to the QL series console.
Relationship between the switches and the number of hops
An appropriate latency setting on a Dante audio network varies depending on the number of
hops in the network.
One hop is the step from one router (switch) to the next. You count the number of hops starting
from the master device to the most distant device (assuming that all devices are connected in
Switches mean network switches and routers, as well as the switches that are built into QL
series consoles and I/O devices. Set the latency value based on the number of hops. The
following table shows typical latency settings based on the number of hops.
Depending on network conditions, you may want to raise the latency value even if the number of
hops is small.
If a problem occurs, select 5.0 ms so that you will be able to identify whether the latency setting
is the cause of the problem.
1. In the DANTE SETUP window (SETUP page), select the CONSOLE ID and the
2. Press the APPLY button.
3. In the window to confirm the change, press the OK button.
Number of hops Latency (ms)
Up to 3 0.25
Up to 5 0.5
Up to 10 1.0
Up to 20 2.0
21 or more (or if a problem occurs) 5.0