User Manual

QL Editor Owner’s Manual
ST IN window
In this window you can view and edit the mix parameters of ST IN channels 1–8. The parameters shown in the window can
be selected from the [View] menu or the menu that appears when you right-click (<control> key + click) in the window.
You can access this window in the following ways.
From the [Windows] menu, choose [Overview] and then choose “ST IN”
Use the bank select keys in the Master window to turn on the [ST IN] button
1 Input patch
Selects the input source that will be assigned to the ST IN channel. The input sources that
can be assigned are the same as for an INPUT CH ( p.17.)
2 HA (HA analog gain)
Drag the knob in the screen to adjust the analog gain of the internal head amp or of the
external head amp patched to the ST IN channel.
3 48V (Phantom power)
Switches on/off the phantom power (+48V) of the internal head amp or of the external head
amp patched to the ST IN channel.
4 Ø (Phase)
Inverts the phase polarity of the signal after AD conversion.
5 Digital Gain
Drag the knob in the screen to adjust the input gain to each ST IN channel.
6 HPF (High Pass Filter)
Switches the high pass filter on/off. You can drag the numeric value up or down to edit the
cutoff frequency.
Enables you to select STEREO, L-MONO, R-MONO, or LR-MONO for ST IN channel
8 EQ (Equalizer)
Switches the EQ on/off (the L/R settings are linked.) This is the same as the equalizer for
INPUT CH ( p.18.)