User Manual

QL Editor Owner’s Manual
Channel control field
6 Level indicator
Indicates the automixer level.
Lit green: Audio is at an appropriate level for the automixer
Unlit: Lower than the appropriate level
Lit red: Higher than the appropriate level
Adjust the HA gain of the QL unit so that the indicator remains lit green.
7 Meter indicator
Each time you press the meters button 4 in the Master field, youll cycle between the fol-
lowing three types of meter.
Normally you should leave this set at automix gain.
8 weight
Adjusts the mutual sensitivity between input channels. Adjust the weight setting so that all
of the automix gain meters are at approximately the same level when there is no input.
9 group
You can assign each channel to one of three groups (a, b, or c).
The channels background color will change depending on the selected group.
0 override
When you press the OVERRIDE button 3 in the Master field, the corresponding channels
will switch to man mode or mute mode depending on the setting of this button.
If the channels override button is on, turning on the master OVERRIDE button will
switch the channel’s mode to man.
If the channels override is off, turning on the master OVERRIDE button will switch the
channel’s mode to mute.
When you turn the master OVERRIDE button off, that channel will return to its prior
A Channel number
Indicates the channel number within the automixer.
B Channel name
Indicates the name of the channel that is patched.
C man / auto / mute
Cycles among man, auto, and mute.
man: Passes the audio without changing the gain.
auto: The automixer will be on.
mute: The channel will be muted.
D preset
Selects the channel’s mode (man/auto/mute) when the PRESET button 3 in the master
field has been pressed. The preset indicator will cycle among man/auto/mute each time you
press the preset button.
Meter display color Meter type
Green (gain) Automix gain
Yellow (input) Input level
Blue (output) Output level