User Manual

EQ and Dynamics
Reference Manual
4 EQ type select button
Switches between TYPE I (an algorithm used in previous Yamaha digital mixers) and
TYPE II (an algorithm that reduces interference between bands).
5 ATT knob
Indicates the attenuation value before the signal enters the EQ. You can use the [TOUCH
AND TURN] knob to adjust this.
6 Tabs
Use these tabs to select a channel that you want to view on the screen.
7 EQ graph
Displays the parameter values for the EQ and filter.
8 RTA button
If you turn this button ON, a graph indicating the frequency analysis for the input signal
after EQ processing is overlaid on the bottom of the EQ frequency graph.
9 HOLD button
Press this button to hold the graph that displays RTA.
0 LIBRARY button
Press this button to open the EQ Library window.
A DEFAULT button
Press this button to reset all EQ/filter parameters to the initial values.
B COPY button
All EQ parameter settings will be copied in buffer memory.
C PAST E butto n
Press this button to paste the setting in buffer memory to the current EQ. If no valid data
has been copied in the buffer memory, nothing will happen.
D COMPARE button
Press this button to swap between the current EQ settings and the data stored in buffer
memory. If no valid data has been copied in the buffer memory, nothing will happen.
For details on how to use the ? - D buttons, refer to “Using the tool buttons” in the separate
Owner's Manual.
E EQ FLAT button
Press this button to reset the GAIN parameters of all EQ band to 0 dB.
Turn on this button to select the shelving-type filter for the HIGH band.
G LPF ON/OFF button
Turn on this button to select the low pass filter for the HIGH band.
H EQ ON/OFF button
Switches the EQ on or off.
I EQ IN/OUT level meters
Indicates the peak level of signals before and after the EQ. For a stereo channel, these
meters indicate the level of both the L and R channels.
J EQ parameter setting knobs
Indicates the Q, FREQUENCY, and GAIN parameters for the LOW, LOW MID, HIGH MID,
and HIGH bands. You can use the [TOUCH AND TURN] knob to adjust this.
If the shelving type has been selected for the LOW band, or if HPF is selected for an output
channel, the LOW band Q parameter will not appear.
If shelving type has been selected for the HIGH band, or if LPF is selected, the HIGH band Q
parameter will not appear.
K HPF ON/OFF button (input channels only)
Switches the HPF on or off.
Input channels provide a high-pass filter that is independent of the four-band EQ. Turn on the
HPF ON/OFF button, and use the HPF FREQUENCY knob to adjust the cutoff frequency.
L HPF FREQUENCY knob (input channels only)
Indicates the cutoff frequency of the HPF. You can use the [TOUCH AND TURN] knob to
adjust this.
M HPF type select button (input channels only)
Switches the HPF attenuation per octave between -12 dB/oct and -6 dB/oct.
N HA HPF ON indicator
Indicates the HPF on/off status of the external head amp.
Indicates the HPF cutoff frequency of the external head amp.