User Manual

Connect non-Dante Shure ULXD, QLXD and AXT devices to the Dante Primary
network. Yamaha RSio64-D can be used to interface with non-Dante audio.
3 Shure Wireless Mic Receiver Setup
Check the ULXD/QLXD/AXT firmware is up to date. Find the latest versions here:
All these compatible Shure devices have similar front-panel user interfaces.
However, the Dante equipped ULXD devices require a little extra configuration
before they can be controlled and monitored by a Yamaha CL/QL console:
3.1 Shure ULXD Dante Setup
1. The device’s Dante name needs to be edited so it begins with the format
“Y0**”, where ** is a hexadecimal number between 01 and FF.
i. Push the Control encoder on the front panel to enter the menu, and
ii. Then scroll to NETWORK, and enter.
iii. Scroll and select DANTE.
iv. Select “Dev.ID”