User Manual

Data List
Two input, two output 3-band compressor, with individual solo and gain reduction metering for
each band.
Premium Rack Processor Parameters
This models an analog 5-band EQ made by the RND company.
This models an analog compressor/limiter made by the RND company.
LIM.ATK 0–120 ms Attack time of the limiter
Release time of the limiter
LIM.KNEE 0–5 Knee of the limiter
LIM.BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the limiter
PRESENCE –10 to +10
Positive (+) values lower the threshold of the high band and raise the
threshold of the low band. Negative (–) values do the opposite. If this is
set to 0, the high, mid, and low bands will be affected in the same way.
LOOKUP 0.0–100.0 ms Lookup delay
MAKE UP OFF/ON Automatically adjusts the output level
*1. 6.0 ms–46.0 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 5.0 ms–42.3 s (fs=48 kHz)
Parameter Range Description
L-M XOVER 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Crossover frequency between the low and mid bands
M-H XOVER 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Crossover frequency between the mid and high bands
SLOPE –6 dB, –12 dB Filter slope
LOW GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB Low band gain
MID GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB Mid band gain
HI. GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB High band gain
TOTAL –72.0 dB to +12.0 dB Overall gain
CEILING –6.0 dB to 0.0 dB, OFF Restricts the output so that it will not exceed the specified level
LOW THRE –54.0 dB to 0.0 dB Threshold of the low band compressor
LOW RAT 1:1 to 20:1 Ratio of the low band compressor
LOW ATK 0–120 ms Attack time of the low band compressor
*1. 6.0 ms–46.0 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 5.0 ms–42.3 s (fs=48 kHz)
Release time of the low band compressor
LOW KNEE 0–5 Knee of the low band compressor
LOW BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the low band compressor
MID THRE –54.0 dB to 0.0 dB Threshold of the mid band compressor
MID RAT 1:1 to 20:1 Ratio of the mid band compressor
MID ATK 0–120 ms Attack time of the mid band compressor
Release time of the mid band compressor
MID KNEE 0–5 Knee of the mid band compressor
MID BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the mid band compressor
HI. THRE 54.0 dB to 0.0 dB Threshold of the high band compressor
HI. RAT 1:1 to 20:1 Ratio of the high band compressor
HI. ATK 0–120 ms Attack time of the high band compressor
Release time of the high band compressor
HI. KNEE 0–5 Knee of the high band compressor
HI. BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the high band compressor
LOOKUP 0.0–100.0 ms Lookup delay
MAKE UP OFF/ON Automatically adjusts the output level
Parameter Range Description
Parameter Range Description
Turns bypass on/off for the EQ. Even in the bypassed state, the signal will
pass through the input/output transformers and the amp circuit.
TRIM –12.0 to 12.0 dB Input gain
LF FREQ 30.00 to 300.0 Hz Center frequency of the LF band
LF GAIN –12.0 to 12.0 dB Gain of the LF band
LMF IN OFF, ON Switches the LMF band on/off
LMF Q 0.70 to 5.00 Q of the LMF band
LMF FREQ 50.00 to 400.0 Hz Center frequency of the LMF band
LMF GAIN –12.0 to 12.0 dB Gain of the LMF band
MF IN OFF, ON Switches the MF band on/off
MF Q 0.70 to 5.00 Q of the MF band
MF FREQ 330.0 to 2500 Hz Center frequency of the MF band
MF GAIN –12.0 to 12.0 dB Gain of the MF band
HMF IN OFF, ON Switches the HMF band on/off
HMF Q 0.70 to 5.00 Q of the HMF band
HMF FREQ 1.80k to 16.0k Hz Center frequency of the HMF band
HMF GAIN –12.0 to 12.0 dB Gain of the HMF band
LF/HF IN OFF, ON Switches the LF/HF bands on/off
HF FREQ 2.50k to 25.0k Hz Center frequency of the HF band
HF GAIN –12.0 to 12.0 dB Gain of the HF band
Parameter Range Description
Turns bypass on/off for the compressor. When bypassed, the button will
be unlit. However even in the bypassed state, the signal will pass through
the input/output transformers and the amp circuit.
FB OFF, ON Switches between feed-forward type and feed-back type
THRESHOLD –50.0 to 0.0 dB Threshold level
RATIO 1.10 : 1 to 28.9 : 1, LIMIT Compression ratio
ATTACK 20 to 75 ms Attack time
RELEASE 100 ms to 2.50 sec Release time
GAIN –6.0 to 20.0 dB Output level