User Manual

Data List
This models a well-known vintage compressor/limiter used in a wide range of situations.
This processor emulates a well-known vintage model of vacuum tube opto compressor.
This processor emulates a vintage EQ that’s considered a classic example of a passive EQ.
Dynamic EQ
This is a newly developed equalizer that dynamically changes the EQ gain in response to the
input signal, controlling the amount of EQ cut or boost in a way similar to a compressor or
Buss Comp 369
Parameter Range Description
INPUT –96.0 to 0.0 dB Input level
OUTPUT –96.0 to 0.0 dB Output level
ATTACK 5.50 to 0.10 ms
Attack time of the compressor. Turning this all the way to the right
produces the fastest attack.
RELEASE 1100.0 to 56.4 ms
Release time of the compressor. Turning this all the way to the right
produces the fastest release.
RATIO ALL, 4, 8, 12, 20
Switches the compression ratio. Pressing ALL produces the strongest
METER OFF, +4, +8, GR Switches the meter display
Parameter Range Description
GAIN –56.0 dB to 40.0 dB Output level
PEAK REDUCTION –48.0 dB to 48.0 dB Amount of gain reduction
RATIO 2.00 to 10.00 Compression ratio
Switches the meter display
Parameter Range Description
LOW FREQUENCY 20, 30, 60, 100 Hz Frequency range of the low range filter
(LOW) BOOST 0.0 to 10.0 Boost amount of the low range filter
(LOW) ATTEN 0.0 to 10.0 Attenuation amount of the low range filter
HIGH FREQUENCY 3k, 4k, 5k, 8k, 10k, 12k, 16k Hz Frequency range of the high range filter
(HIGH) BOOST 0.0 to 10.0 Boost amount of the high range filter
(HIGH) BAND WIDTH 0.0 to 10.0 Band width of the high range filter
(HIGH) ATTEN SEL 5k, 10k, 20k Hz Frequency range attenuated by the high range filter
(HIGH) ATTEN 0.0 to 10.0 Attenuation amount of the high range filter
Turns the processor on/off. If this is off, the filter section
will be bypassed, but the signal will pass through the
input/output transformers and the amp circuit.
Parameter Range Description
BAND ON/OFF OFF, ON Turns the corresponding band on/off
If this is on, the sidechain signal that controls the dynamics will
be sent to the CUE bus for monitoring.
If this is on, the sidechain signal that is linked to the dynamics
will be output to the bus (such as the STEREO bus or a MIX/
MATRIX bus) to which the inserted channel is being sent.
FILTER TYPE Low Shelf, Bell, Hi Shelf Switches the type of equalizer and sidechain filter
FREQUENCY 20.0 to 20.0k Hz Frequency controlled by the equalizer and sidechain filter
Q 15.0 to 0.50 Q of the equalizer and sidechain filter
THRESHOLD –80.0 to 10.0 dB Threshold value at which processing begins to apply
RATIO ∞ : 1 to 1 : 1.50 Sets the boost/cut ratio relative to the input signal
Specifies whether the processor will operate when the
sidechain signal exceeds the threshold setting (ABOVE) or
when it falls below the threshold setting (BELOW)
Attack time/release time for when compression or boost is
Parameter Range Description
INPUT ADJUST –15.0 to +15.0dB
Input gain. However, the output gain is also linked so that there
is no change in the pass-through volume. For example, if
INPUT ADJUST is +5dB, the input gain is +5dB and the output
gain is –5dB.
LINK ON, OFF Stereo link function (STEREO only)
METER IN, GR, OUT Meter switch (STEREO only)
VU IN, OUT Meter switch (DUAL only)
COMP IN ON, OFF Compressor on/off
COMP RATIO 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 6:1 Ratio of the compressor
COMP GAIN 0.0 to +20.0dB Compressor gain
100ms, 400ms, 800ms
1500ms, a1, a2
Compressor release. The release times for a1 (auto 1) and a2
(auto 2) change automatically. a1: Changes automatically
between 100 ms and 2 sec. a2: Changes automatically
between 50 ms and 5 sec.
COMP THRESHOLD 40 to –5 dBFS Threshold of the compressor
LIMIT IN ON, OFF Limiter on/off
LIMIT ATTACK FAST, SLOW Attack time of the limiter FAST: 2 ms, SLOW: 4 ms
50ms, 100ms, 200ms
800ms, a1, a2
Limiter release. The release times for a1 (auto 1) and a2 (auto
2) change automatically. a1: Changes automatically between
100 ms and 2 sec. a2: Changes automatically between 50 ms
and 5 sec.
LIMIT THRESHOLD –16 to –5 dBFS Threshold of the limiter