User Manual

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Yamaha Professional Audio QL StageMix V7 User Guide
Page 30
b) Press the [MIX ON FADERS] button to access a popup screen which
allows direct selection of any Mix or Matrix Bus.
Select the Target from Mix 1-16 and Matrix 1-8. The currently selected Mix will
appear as a white button with a check mark. Stereo pairs appear as single
large buttons.
When Surround Mode is active, Mix Busses 1-6 will not be available as
they are assigned to function as the surround output busses.
When a Mix block is active in the “Navigation/Meter Bridge”, only Matrix
1-8 will be available in the “Select Target” popup.
When the Matrix block is selected in the “Navigation/Meter Bridge”, the
[SENDS ON FADERS] button is not available.
4.11.1 Mix Send Levels
When in “SENDS ON FADERS” mode, the fader in each channel strip
controls the level being sent from that channel to the currently selected
Mix or Matrix Bus.
Note: if a Mix Bus is set to “Fixed” mode, send levels to that Mix Bus
are fixed at 0dB and cannot be adjusted. Mix Send faders will not
appear when a Mix Bus set to “Fixed” mode is selected.
4.11.2 Mix Sends ON
In SENDS ON FADERSmode, the [ON] button in each channel strip
is used to turn On/Off the Mix Send from each channel to the currently
selected target Mix or Matrix Bus.
4.11.3 Mix Send PRE/POST
The send from each channel can be assigned to be Pre or Post fader.
A button above the meter in each channel strip displays the Pre/Post