User Manual

Yamaha Professional Audio QL StageMix V7 User Guide
Page 70
will appear requiring confirmation before the effect library program is
recalled in the console.
Effect Library Store: Tap on any Library memory that is not labelled as
Read Only. Press [STORE] to save the currently selected effect
program into the Library. A popup will appear requiring confirmation.
After tapping on [Yes], the iPad keyboard will appear. Type in a Library
Name and press [STORE].
8.3.4 Input and Output Patch Assignments
At the top/centre of the screen, text labels indicate the input and output
patch assignments for the current rack slot.
8.3.5 Input and Output Meters
Meters display the levels going into and coming out of the current rack
8.3.6 Effect Bypass
The current Effect can be bypassed by pressing the [BYPASS] button.
8.3.7 Effect Cue
The current Effect can be Cued by pressing the [CUE] button.
8.3.8 Close Effect Editor
Press the [X] button in the upper right corner of the screen to return to
the Rack screen.
8.3.9 Parameter Editing using Sliders
Most parameters are editing using horizontal sliders. The parameter
value is displayed numerically to the right of each slider.
8.3.10 Numerical Parameter Editing
Some time-based parameters can also be edited using a numeric
keypad. These parameters are displayed with black text on a white