QL Brochure

“Port to Port Enhances System Versatility
Capable Systems with Fewer Devices I/O Rack Sharing without Gain Complications
The ability to directly connect input ports to output ports without going through mixing
channels provides unprecedented freedom for routing signals between the analog, Dante,
and MY slot inputs and outputs. For example, a QL console could be used as an I/O device
for another QL or CL series console while simultaneously functioning as a monitor console.
Not only is just one QL console required for both monitor and I/O use, but analog gains
can be remotely controlled from the front-of-house QL or CL console. It’s also possible to
mix analog signals received at the console while directly transmitting them to a multitrack
recording system via Dante, for example. The possibilities are vast.
When sharing inputs between multiple consoles using Dante networking and Port to
Port capability, gain adjustments made from one console could potentially disrupt the
mix balance at another. The Gain Compensation function prevents such problems from
occurring. Gain compensation is automatically applied at the digital stage so that the total
gain sent out via the network remains constant.
“Port to Port” is a new Yamaha feature that allows QL series console inputs and outputs to be put to use as
elements of a larger system, providing unprecedented capabilities for interconnecting front-of-house and monitor
consoles, and much more. Gain Compensation enhances the versatility of this feature even more.