QL Brochure

2-track/Multitrack Recording
and Playback
Whether you want basic 2-track recording and playback, or full-blown multitrack
recording and playback capability, the QL series consoles make it easy. There’s direct
2-track recording to standard USB ash drives, or serious multitrack recording to a DAW
via Dante. Multitrack playback is handy for “virtual sound checks” when the musicians
aren’t available, and 2-track playback is for background music, and sound eects.
Convenient 2-track Recording to
USB Flash Drive
Smooth Support for
Multitrack Recording
A standard USB ash drive plugged into the
front-panel USB port serves as media for direct
2-track recording in mp3 format. There’s no need
to carry external recording equipment around,
and the recording can be handed to performers
as soon as the show is nished, for example.
Sound les in mp3, AAC, or WMA format saved
on the ash drive from a computer or other
source can be played back too, for convenient
BGM or sound eects without the need for extra
playback equipment.
The QL series consoles even make live
multitrack recording easy. With Dante Virtual
Soundcard software it becomes possible to
transfer audio directly to a Windows or Mac
computer connected to the Dante network.
With an appropriate DAW such as Steinberg
Nuendo Live (sold separately) running on the
computer, up to 64 tracks can be recorded
simultaneously. In addition to being the best way
to create professional quality recordings of live
performances, this capability is ideal for creating
the tracks needed for virtual sound checks.