QL Brochure

When its time to build creatively on the uncolored sonic foundation provided by the QL consoles, a selection of
powerful processors is ready to rene your sound. Yamaha digital technology accurately reproduces the quality and
performance of time-honored analog devices that are renowned for their musical sound, as well as speech mixing
technology that revolutionized the industry with unprecedented consistency and clarity. The technology that
achieves all of this reects Yamaha’s respect for the legacy of masters who have given us some of our most valued
audio capabilities. It also gives today’s sound engineers the support they need to create for the future.
Keeping the Legacy Alive
All of the processing capability that was packed into the CL series consoles is provided in the
QL consoles as well. Most of those processors are based on Virtual Circuit Modeling (VCM)
technology developed by “Dr. K” (Toshifumi Kunimoto) and his team at “K’s lab,” Yamaha’s state-
of-the-art digital technology research facility. VCM technology precisely models the circuitry
and performance of analog audio devices, right down to the characteristics of individual
components such as resistors and capacitors. VCM simulations are so realistic and musical that
even the legendary Rupert Neve, a master who built his reputation on analog sound, has given
it his approval and collaborated in developing VCM versions of his Portico 5033 and 5043 EQ
and compressor, both provided as on-board processors in the QL consoles.
Thanks to in-depth collaboration with Dan Dugan Sound Design, renowned Dan Dugan
automatic microphone mixing with its advanced algorithms is built into the QL series
consoles. Setup is easy: just insert the processor into up to 16 channels for automatically
optimized microphone gain distribution. Gain control is smooth and natural, as though
experienced human operators were doing the mix. The system also
eectively reduces feedback and comb lter issues. For speech
applications, especially non-scripted situations, this allows the operator
to concentrate on details other than fader operation for consistently
high-quality mixes.
VCM Technology and Rupert Neve
Revolutionary Dan Dugan Automatic Mixer Built In
Toshifumi Kunimoto
Engineering Manager,
Research & Development Division