
Table Of Contents
Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, effects, and Premium Rack
V5 Reference Manual
GEQ EDIT window (Flex 15GEQ)
This window is the same as that for the 31BandGEQ, except that the AVAILABLE BANDS
parameter box indicates the real-time number of additional bands (maximum 15) that
can be controlled in the current GEQ.
For a rack in which a Flex15GEQ is mounted, the rack switch tabs will be split as xA and
xB (x is the rack number).
Parametric EQ operations
In addition to the standard 4-band EQ, QL series consoles also feature an 8-band parametric
EQ (PEQ) that can be rack mounted. You can mount this PEQ in GEQ racks 1-8 and patch it
to the insert-out/in of an input channel (GEQ 1-8 rack only), a MIX/MATRIX channel, or a
STEREO/MONO channel. You can also mount it in EFFECT racks 1-8 (FX 1-8) and patch it
to the insert-out/in of an input channel, MIX/MATRIX channel or STEREO/MONO channel.
The gain of each band can be adjusted using the Centralogic sections faders and [ON] keys.
The following type of PEQ is provided.
This is a monaural 8-band PEQ. There are also an independent HPF, LPF, and 3 notch filters.
Two 8BandPEQ units (shown as “A” and “B” respectively) can be mounted in a rack, and
therefore you can use two channels of input and output for each rack.
Inserting a PEQ in a channel
This section explains how to insert a PEQ into the selected channel for use.
You can view the input and output levels of the PEQ in the rack in the GEQ or EFFECT field.
For details on PEQ operations, refer section “PEQ EDIT window” (page 137).
PEQ EDIT window
1. Refer to steps 1-8 in “Virtual rack operations” (page 130) to mount a PEQ in a rack
and set its input source and output destination.
2. In the GEQ field rack or the EFFECT field rack, press the rack container in which you
mounted the PEQ.
3. If you’re using a stereo source, press the RACK LINK button to link the two PEQ units.
4. Press the PEQ ON/OFF button to turn the PEQ on.
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