
Channel Strip section
V5 Reference Manual
When a MATRIX channel (monaural) or MONO channel is selected:
The ΣCLIP indicator will light if the signal is clipping at some point in the channel.
For a stereo MATRIX channel or STEREO channel, the BALANCE knob appears, indicating
the balance of the left/right channels.
DCA group field
A DCA group (1–16) to which the channel is assigned is displayed on the first or second row
in this field.
Press this field to open the DCA/MUTE GROUP ASSIGN MODE window.
Mute group field
A mute group (1–8) to which the channel is assigned is displayed on the third row in this field.
If the channel has been temporarily removed from the mute group, S (Safe) will appear on the
third row. If a dimmer level has been specified for a mute group, the color of the characters
will change from red to orange.
Press this field to open the DCA/MUTE GROUP ASSIGN MODE window.