
Table Of Contents
Channel Job
V5 Reference Manual
The USER SETUP window enables you to limit available functionality by user, and also to make
system-wide settings. This window includes several pages, which you can switch between using
the tabs located at the bottom of the window.
Turning mute groups on/off with USER DEFINED keys
To mute a mute group, press the USER DEFINED key to which you have assigned the Mute
On/Off function.
The LED of the USER DEFINED key will light, and all channels that belong to the selected
mute group will be muted. At this time, the [ON] keys of the muted channels will blink. You can
turn on multiple USER DEFINED keys to mute multiple mute groups.
To defeat muting for a mute group, press the USER DEFINED key that you lit.
Even if a channel is assigned to a mute group, it will not be affected by operations of the USER
DEFINED key if the [ON] key for that channel is already turned off to begin with.
Using the Mute Safe function
Specific channels that belong to a mute group can be temporarily excluded from mute group
operations (Mute Safe). Channels that are set to Mute Safe will not be affected when you mute
a mute group to which that channel belongs.
The [SEL] key of the channel set for Mute Safe will light, and the on-screen fader for that channel
will be highlighted in green. You can cancel the Mute Safe status by pressing a lit [SEL] key once
again to make it go dark.
Temporarily disabling the Mute function
Mute can be temporarily disabled by turning on the [ON] key; and resumed by turning it off,
when you mute one of the mute groups to which that channel belongs. However, this mute
control by turning on/off the [ON] key is disabled in the PREVIEW mode.
Using the Recall Safe function
“Recall Safe” is a function that excludes only specific parameters/channels (DCA groups) from
Recall operations. Unlike the Focus Recall function (page 95), which you can apply to
individual scenes, the Recall Safe settings are globally applied to all scenes.
1. In the Function Access Area, press the CH JOB button.
2. Press the MUTE GROUP button in the CH JOB menu.
3. Press the MUTE SAFE button in the DCA/MUTE GROUP ASSIGN MODE window.
4. Press a [SEL] key for the channel(s) you want to exclude from mute groups (multiple
selections are allowed).
MODE window
1. In the Function Access Area, press the CH JOB button.
2. Press the RECALL SAFE button in the CH JOB menu.
3. Press the [SEL] key for the channel or DCA group that will be affected by Recall Safe
4. Select the target for Recall Safe operations in the SAFE PARAMETER SELECT field in
the RECALL SAFE MODE window.
5. To enable Recall Safe for the selected channel, turn on the SAFE button on. (If you
selected a DCA group, turn on either the LEVEL/ON button or the ALL button.)
6. To enable Recall Safe for global parameters, turn on the buttons of the GLOBAL
7. When you have finished making settings, press the CLOSE button to close the
window. Then perform a Recall operation.
Access Area