
Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, effects, and Premium Rack
Reference Manual
4 RACK LINK button
Press this button to open the RACK LINK window, in which you can link adjacent GEQ
In the case of a 31bandGEQ, the GEQ units in adjacent odd-numbered/even-numbered
racks will be linked. In the case of a Flex15GEQ, the GEQ (A) and GEQ (B) within the
same rack will be linked.
•GEQ xy button (“x” and “y” are the rack number, or the rack number and
alphabetical character A or B)
The parameters of “x” will be copied to “y,” and then linked.
•GEQ yx button
The parameters of “y” will be copied to “x,” and then linked.
The parameters of both will be initialized, and then linked.
•CANCEL button
Cancels the link and closes the window.
The RACK LINK button is shown only if linking is possible. When you link
GEQ units, a symbol will appear in the GEQ field to indicate the linked
5 FLAT button
Returns all bands of the currently-selected GEQ to 0 dB.
6 GEQ ON/OFF button
Switches the currently-selected GEQ on or off.
For GEQ EDIT window (31BandGEQ, Flex15GEQ)
1 RTA button
Turn this button on to overlay a frequency response graph on the EQ.
2 HOLD button
Press this button to hold the peak of the graph that displays RTA.