
Table Of Contents
Data List
This effect emulates the characteristics of 70’s analog equalizers. Re-creating the distortion
of typical analog circuits will add drive to the sound.
It emulates the tape compression created by two open reel tape recorders (a recording deck
and a playback deck). You can change the sound quality by adjusting various elements, such
as the deck type, tape quality, playback speed, etc.
Two input, two output 3-band dynamics processor, with individual solo and gain reduction
metering for each band.
Parameter Range Description
LO TYPE HPF-2/1, LSH-1/2 Type of EQ1
LO F 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz Cut-off frequency of EQ1
LO G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ1
MID1 Q 0.50–16.0 Q of EQ2
MID1 F 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz Center frequency of EQ2
MID1 G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ2
MID2 Q 0.50–16.0 Q of EQ3
MID2 F 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz Center frequency of EQ3
MID2 G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ3
INPUT –18.0 to +18.0 dB Input gain
OUTPUT –18.0 to +18.0 dB Output gain
MID3 Q 0.50–16.0 Q of EQ4
MID3 F 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz Center frequency of EQ4
MID3 G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ4
MID4 Q 0.50–16.0 Q of EQ5
MID4 F 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz Center frequency of EQ5
MID4 G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ5
HI TYPE LPF-2/1, HSH-1/2 Type of EQ6
16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz
*1. 16.0 Hz to 20.0 kHz (LPF-1, LPF-2), 1.0 kHz to 20.0 kHz (HSH-1, HSH-2)
Cut-off frequency of EQ6
HI G –18.0 to +18.0 dB Gain of EQ6
LO SW OFF, ON Switches EQ1 on/off
MID1 SW OFF, ON Switches EQ2 on/off
MID2 SW OFF, ON Switches EQ3 on/off
MID3 SW OFF, ON Switches EQ4 on/off
MID4 SW OFF, ON Switches EQ5 on/off
HI SW OFF, ON Switches EQ6 on/off
Selects the equalizer type.
The CLEAN equalizer provides non-distorted, clear, typical digital sound,
emulating variations in frequency response in the analog circuits. The
DRIVE equalizer provides distorted, driven sound that enhances analog
flavor, emulating changes in frequency response in the analog circuits.
Parameter Range Description
Swss70, Swss78, Swss85,
Selects the recording deck type
REC LVL –96.0 to +18.0 dB
Adjusts the input level of the recording deck. As you raise the level, tape
compression is generated, which narrows the dynamic range and distorts
the sound.
REC HI –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the high range gain of the recording deck
REC BIAS –1.00 to +1.00 Adjusts the bias of the recording deck
Swss70, Swss78, Swss85,
Selects the playback deck type
REPR LVL –96.0 to +18.0 dB Adjusts the output level of the playback deck
REPR HI –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the high range gain of the playback deck
REPR LO –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the low range gain of the playback deck
When you adjust the REC LVL, the REPR LVL reflects the change,
maintaining the relative output level. You can change the amount of
distortion without changing the output level.
TP SPEED 15ips, 30ips Selects the tape speed
TP KIND Old, New Selects the tape type
Parameter Range Description
L-M XOVER 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Crossover frequency between the low and mid bands
M-H XOVER 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Crossover frequency between the mid and high bands
SLOPE –6 dB, –12 dB Filter slope
LOW GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB Low band gain
MID GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB Mid band gain
HI. GAIN –12.0 dB to +12.0 dB High band gain
TOTAL –72.0 dB to +12.0 dB Overall gain
CEILING –6.0 dB to 0.0 dB, OFF Restricts the output so that it will not exceed the specified level
CMP.THRE –24.0 dB to 0.0 dB Threshold of the compressor
CMP.RAT 1:1 to 20:1 Ratio of the compressor
CMP.ATK 0–120 ms Attack time of the compressor
Release time of the compressor
CMP.KNEE 0–5 Knee of the compressor
CMP.BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the compressor
EXP.THRE –54.0 dB to –24.0 dB Threshold of the expander
EXP.RAT 1:1 to 5:1 Ratio of the expander
Release time of the expander
EXP.BYP OFF/ON Bypasses the expander
LIM.THRE –12.0 dB to 0.0 dB Threshold of the limiter