
Reference Manual
This chapter explains how to transmit MIDI messages from an external device to the QL series
console to control the QL consoles parameters, and how to send out MIDI messages from
the QL console as you operate the unit.
The following illustration shows an example of connecting the MIDI IN/OUT connectors to
transmit and receive MIDI messages.
MIDI functionality on the QL series console
The QL series console can use MIDI to perform the following operations.
Program Change transmission and reception
When you execute a specific event (scene/effect library recall) on the QL series console, a
Program Change message (a number that is assigned to the event) can be transmitted to an
external device. Conversely, the corresponding event can be executed when a Program
Change message is received from an external device.
Control Change transmission and reception
When you execute a specific event (fader, knob, or key operation) on the QL series console,
the corresponding Control Change message can be transmitted to an external device.
Conversely, events can be executed when Control Change messages are received from an
external device. This allows you to record fader and key operations on a MIDI sequencer or
other external device, and play them back later.
Parameter Change (SysEx) transmission and reception
When specific events (fader, knob, or key operations, changes in system settings or user
settings) are executed, “Parameter Change” SysEx (system exclusive) messages can be
transmitted to an external device. Conversely, events can be executed when Parameter
Changes are received from an external device.
Using this capability, QL operations can be recorded and played back on a MIDI sequencer
or other external device. In addition, changes in system and user settings can be received and
executed by another QL console.
As the port used for transmission and reception of MIDI messages, you can select either the rear
panel MIDI IN/OUT connectors or an I/O card installed in slot 1. All of the functionality described
in this section will be available on the port you select.
Basic MIDI settings
You can select the type of MIDI messages the QL series console will transmit and receive, the
MIDI port that will be used, and the MIDI channel.
For details on using Program Change messages, refer to “Using program changes to recall
scenes and library items” on page 178.
For details on using Control Change messages, refer to “Using control changes to control
parameters” on page 180.
External device
1. In the Function Access Area, press the SETUP button.
2. Press the MIDI/GPI button in the center of the SETUP screen.
3. Press the MIDI SETUP tab in the MIDI/GPI screen.
4. Press the port select button for transmission (Tx) or reception (Rx) in the MIDI
SETUP page.
5. In the MIDI SETUP window for port selection, select the port type and port number
that will transmit or receive MIDI messages, and press the OK button.
6. Press the channel select button in the MIDI SETUP page.
7. In the MIDI SETUP window for channel selection, select the channel that will
transmit or receive MIDI messages, and press the OK button.
8. In the MIDI SETUP page, turn transmission/reception on or off for each MIDI
SETUP screen MIDI/GPI screen