
Table Of Contents
Data List
One input, two output reverb and symphonic effects in parallel.
One input, two output reverb and symphonic effects in series.
This is a 1-in/2-out series-connected reverb and auto-pan effect.
One input, two output delay and early reflections effects in parallel.
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 010 Spread
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
REV/SYM 0–100%
Reverb and symphonic balance
(0% = all reverb, 100% = all symphonic)
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
MOD. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Modulation delay time
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
SYNC OFF/ON Tempo parameter sync on/off
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 010 Spread
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
REV.BAL 0–100%
Reverb and symphonic reverb balance
(0% = all symphonic reverb, 100% = all reverb)
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
MOD. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Modulation delay time
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
SYNC OFF/ON Tempo parameter sync on/off
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI. RATIO 0.11.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 010 Spread
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
REV.BAL 0–100%
Reverb and panned reverb balance
(0% = all panned reverb, 100% = all reverb)
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
*1. LR, LR, LR, Turn L, Turn R
Panning direction
WAVE Sine, Tri, Square Modulation waveform
SYNC OFF/ON Tempo parameter sync on/off
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ
Parameter Range Description
DELAY L 0.01000.0 ms Left channel delay time
DELAY R 0.01000.0 ms Right channel delay time
FB. DLY 0.01000.0 ms Feedback delay time
FB. GAIN –99 to +99%
Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for
reverse-phase feedback)
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
DLY/ER 0–100%
Delay and early reflections balance
(0% = all delay, 100% = all early reflections)
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
S-Hall, L-Hall, Random,
Revers, Plate, Spring
Type of early reflection simulation
ROOMSIZE 0.1–20.0 Reflection spacing
LIVENESS 0–10 Early reflections decay characteristics (0 = dead, 10 = live)
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
DIFF. 0–10 Spread
DENSITY 0–100% Reflection density
ER NUM. 119 Number of early reflections
SYNC OFF/ON Tempo parameter sync on/off
*1. (Maximum value depends on the tempo setting)
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine left channel DELAY
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine right channel DELAY
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine feedback DELAY