QL Brochure

Lake ProcessingCascade for Large Systems
Lake processing has become a standard for speaker processing in live sound
applications, and it can easily be added to QL consoles via the MY card slots.
The MY8-LAKE expansion card, developed through technical cooperation
between Yamaha and Lab.gruppen, oers Mesa EQ, Ideal Graphic EQ, Linear
Phase EQ, and other processing features that are capable of achieving ideal tuning in a wide
variety of environments regardless of size, acoustic characteristics, or the types of speakers
used. Mesa EQ with its symmetrical curve can be inserted into input channels and used for
creative sound shaping as well as speaker processing. The possibilities are endless. The Lake
Controller computer application can be used for central management and control of all
Lake devices in the system, and it works well with Smaart acoustic measurement tools for
eective overall speaker tuning.
Multiple QL consoles can be cascade connected via I/O cards such as the MY16-AE to create
systems that oer the high channel capacities required by larger applications. QL consoles
can also be cascaded to the other Yamaha digital consoles such as CL series for broad system
Expandable Capacity and Functionality
Console I/O and functions can be customized simply by inserting appropriate
Yamaha or third-party expansion cards into the Mini-YGDAI expansion slots provided.
QL series consoles feature dual Mini-YGDAI slots that can accept expansion cards
selected from a lineup of more than 30 types.
Mesa EQ Ideal Graphic EQ Linear Phase Crossover
For details about the available Mini-YGDAI cards visit the Yamaha Pro Audio website at: