Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

parameter determines the range of velocity values over which
the crescendo will occur. A setting of “+24”, for example, will cause the MIDI
velocity values to increase by 24 over the specified measure range (The MIDI
velocity value range is from 0 to 127).
Negative values cause a corresponding decrease in velocity, therby producing
a decrescendo rather than a crescendo. The range of this parameter is from “-
99” through “0” to “+99”.
After setting the parameters as required press
to execute the Cre-
scendo job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while the data is
being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when the job is done.
Press the
key (“Exit”) to return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly
to the selected mode.
05: Transpose
Transposes all notes in the specified user phrase up or down by the specified
number of semitones.
parameter selects the user phrase to be affected by the Trans-
pose job: “001” ... “100”.
The “Transpose” parameter determines the amount of transposition in
semitone increments. Minus (-) values transpose down while plus (+) values
transpose up. the range is from “-99” through “0” to “+99”.
After setting the parameters as required press
to execute the Trans-
pose job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while the data is
being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when the job is done.
Press the
key (“Exit”) to return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly
to the selected mode.