Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

This parameter controls the velocity (loudness) of the note. The range is from
001 to 127. Standard velocity values can be entered via the numeric keypad:
place the cursor at the volume symbol to the right of the velocity value and use
the numeric keypad to directly enter the desired volume symbol. The available
volume symbols are marked on the keys. The numeric velocity value will
change accordingly.
n Deleting Events
Notes and other events (sustain on/off, pitch bend, etc.) can be deleted by
placing the cursor at the line corresponding to the event to be deleted, and then
function key (“Delete”).
Changing Tracks
To change tracks without having to return to the SONG mode press the
function key (“ChngTr”). The cursor will move to the track number at the top
of the screen. Use any data entry method to specify the number of the track
you want to change to (use the
key or data dial to select the tempo
track — see “Editing the Tempo Track”, page 112), and then press the
Assigning a Track Name
Each track can be assigned a track name for easy identification when editing.
To assign a name to the current track, press the
function key (“TrName”).
The cursor will move to the track name location at the top of the screen. You
can now use the standard QY300 name entry procedure to enter a name of up
to 8 characters (see page 54 for an example of the name entry procedure).
Press the
key again or the
key (“Exit”) when done.
Insert Mode Editing
The edit insert mode is used to insert new notes and other events at a specified
location in the pattern.
Place the Cursor at the Insert Location
Move the cursor to the edit line corresponding to (or near to) the location at
which you want to insert the new data.
Engage the Insert Edit Mode
Press the
function key (“Insert”) to switch to the insert edit mode.