Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

Setting Up Your System
What you will connect the QY300 to, and what you will connect to the QY300,
will depend entirely on your individual requirements. A few examples are
provided below to help you get started.
The Connectors
MIDI IN & OUT Connectors
If you plan to use a MIDI keyboard or other instrument to play and program
the QY300, it should be connected to QY300 MIDI IN connector (see “MIDI
Connections,” below). The MIDI OUT connector can be connected to an ex-
ternal tone generator or synthesizer if you want to drive external voices from
the QY300 sequencer.
These are the main stereo outputs from the QY300’s internal tone generator
system (see “Audio Connections,” below). Both are standard 1/4” mono phone
plugs. When a plug is inserted into only the L/MONO output, the left- and
right-channels signals are mixed and delivered via that output to allow direct
connection to mono sound systems. The output level is adjusted via the VOL-
UME control
page 7).
Any pair of stereo headphones with a 1/4” stereo phone plug can be plugged in
here for convenient monitoring. The PHONES output level is adjusted via the
VOLUME control.
DC IN Jack
The DC output cable from the Yamaha PA-1207 AC Power Adaptor supplied
with the QY300 is plugged in here.