Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

The format operation
erases all data from the
The disk write-protect
slide must
be in the
write-enable position to
perform a format operation. If it
is not, the “Write Protected!” er-
ror message will appear when
you attempt to execute the for-
mat operation.
This operation formats new (blank) 2DD 3.5-inch floppy disks for use with the
QY300. It can also be used to format disks previously used with other equip-
ment for use with the QY300. The format operation is also a convenient way
to clear all data from a disk that contains unwanted material.
Select the Format operation, insert the disk to be formatted, and press
Respond to the “Delete Old Data?” display with the
to go ahead with the operation or the
key to cancel.
An “Executing” bar graph will appear to indicate the progress of the for-
mat operation. “Completed” will appear briefly when the operation has fin-